Does drinking too much water put a strain on ur kidneys?!


Does drinking too much water put a strain on ur kidneys?

also, i knw that drinking too much water can cause u too loose some nutrients, but is water ever too mucH? its supposed to be the best hydrant and the best thing u can do for ur body, no?

You can in fact drink too much water, you'll overhydrate your cell and they'll burst. It will have to be drunk in large amounts in a short period of time, but you can die from overhydration. Recently somewhere in the US, a radio station had a contest for a game system. The contestants had to drink several quarts of water without "going" or something like that. Well, I don't know if she was the winner but a woman did die and it was concluded it was from overhydration. It's been within the past month, look for it on the internet. If your conserned about overhydrating yourself because you think you've been drinking too much water lately, don't worry about it, your still here and well. Water really is the best hydrate for your body, nothing in your body can funciton without it. Just don't chug gallons of it in one sitting.

well umm im not sure, i mean, i've heard that but i dont' know...i hope not, i drink like 10 glasses of water every day just from like when i get off school till i go to sleep. so i hope not. If u find out please inform me of this

no darlin water cleanses every part of your body and it doesnt damage it.

I seriously doubt that coz we are advised to drink 8 large glasses of water everyday. Water helps out vital organs function properly. It washes away the waste from our body not nutrients.

Well yes, most of us don't drink enough water, and yes, you can drink too much. A woman in the bay area recently died from drinking gallons of water. Everything in moderation. You can't go wrong with the 8 glasses a day, an idea that nutritionists seem to support.

You can actually kill yourself by drinking too much water. A lady was in a contest to win a Wii, the contest was to drink as much water as you possibly could and not got to the bathroom. She drank 4 quarts in maybe a half and hour and it drowned her. But the amount of water has to be substancial and stupid.

A woman in Sacramento, CA died recently from drinking 2 gallons of water in a short time period. I'd say, yes, it does put a strain on your kidneys and the rest of your body...

our body contains 70% water n v've to maintain this level 4 health.
drinking lots of plain water is not a burden to our kidneys,any excess of water w'd be expelled from our body thru urination.if u lose nutrients(sugar) from ur urine that means u got kidneys problem nothing wrong with drinking much water u take.

Drinking plenty of water makes your kidneys' work easier. When you die of thirst, your kidneys are among the first organs to shut down, and if you lose a kidney they warn you not to eat too much salt, to reduce the burden on the remaining one.

It also puts a strain on your toilet as you have to use it more often.

I don't know about the kidney thing-yet a friend I used to know drank so much water (10- 32 oz glasses per day) that she ended up going to the doctor, feeling dizzy, etc. Turns out she washed out the potassium (a much needed mineral) from her body-so low she was told not to drink anything weaker than tea for some time. Take care..

I was told that the best way to know you are getting enough water is if your urine is clear. The darker the urine, the greater your need ot increase your intake. This is very true I have found.

Not drinking enough water helps a woman to accumulate cellulite because the toxins are not washed out of the body. Enough water facilitates elimination of waste matter. Not enough leads to constipation.

If you want to keep your skin beautiful, drink enough water. Skin is kept moisturized from the inside out. You can apply creams but the really true secret to good skin is enough water. It also flushes out many of the toxins that can result in pimples.

I have never heard of someone drinking too much water. This person would be the envy of millions living in impoverished parts of the world! How lucky we are in North America to have so much to drink!

not if u urinate frequently atleast once an hour

Water intoxication and hyponatremia result when a dehydrated person drinks too much water without the accompanying electrolytes.
A person with two healthy kidneys can excrete about 900ml (0.24 gal)/hr.[2] Consuming as little as 1.8 litres of water (0.48 gal) in a single sitting may prove fatal for a person adhering to a low-sodium diet, or 3 litres (0.79 gallons) for a person on a normal diet. Body fluids contain electrolytes (particularly sodium compounds, such as sodium chloride) in concentrations that must be held within very narrow limits. Water enters the body orally or intravenously and leaves the body primarily in urine, sweat, and exhaled water vapor. If water enters the body more quickly than it can be removed, body fluids are diluted and a potentially dangerous shift in electrolyte balance occurs.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Drinking an excessive amount of water "washes" potassium out of your system and creates an electrolite imbalance. Moderation --not excess!

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