How can I get off pepsi?!


How can I get off pepsi?

I get horrible headaches when i try to quit & I'm sick for days. Is there anything I can do about the side effects of stopping the caffeine?

I had a similar problem with coffee and was able to slowly withdraw from it. First off, buy some caffeine-free Pepsi (along with the regular Pepsi) next time you go shopping.

I don't know how much you drink each day, but if it's a lot (let's say 6 12 oz. cans or more a day), I would substitute a caffeine free drink after every two caffeinated drinks. Do that for a week or 10 days. If you get a headache, take some aspirin or Advil or whatever your favorite over-the-counter medication is for a headache. Drink some extra water when you do take the aspirin.

After 7-10 days alternate every other drink as a caffeine free drink. Do this for another 7 to 10 days, depending on how you are feeling.

Finally try drinking only one caffeinated drink and two decaf. Eventually, you should switch to all decaf and see what happens. It might take a month to switch (as I said, depending on how much caffeine you are currently drinking a day), but I found this method the least painful.

Now I am virtually caffeine-free. I drink mostly decaf beverages (7-Up or flavored waters) and do enjoy the occasional diet Pepsi here and there with no bad side effects.

You might find that you sleep better at night with less caffeine in your system. Remember - slowly "detox" yourself and keep your favorite headache remedy handy for those days when your head hurts. It also helps to drink a little extra water as you detox. Even one or two glasses a day is helpful.

Good luck!

Kicked the caffeinate habit about 10 years ago!

try to drink less and less amounts each day till u no longer are drinking any or try drinking coffee instead whitch isnt as bad for ur teeth

try slowly to stop drinking as much soda. i know its hard i love my coca cola and cant stop but hey life is short

drink lots and lots of water

slowly taper of regular pepsi and start drinking caffine free. been a pepsi-a-holic for many years. 12pck + a day

You just have to go cold turkey. And I personally do not think its just the caffeine. I believe there is a conspiracy here that keeps us jonesing for that particular soft drink.
Drink lots and lots of water and hang in there.

Try drinking Coke

When I stopped coffee I tapered off, but still had a bad headache for a couple of days that nothing really helped.Might just have to deal with it. Good luck!

Pepsi is all I used to drink, too. Got sick of how much I was spending on pop, so started drinking iced tea w/caffine. Then, would alternate between that and water. So, I never got the caffine headaches. Now, I drink whatever, which is great. I used to flip out if I woke up in the morning and realized I didn't have any more pop.

Switch to tea before quitting altogether. The caffeine is not as strong. Slack off instead of quitting cold-turkey!

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