Does soda stay cooler in a bottle or a can?!
Does soda stay cooler in a bottle or a can?
In a hot climate, i would say can.
In a cold climate, i would say bottle.
It stays much colder outside in a cold climate. I think the can or bottle depends on if you are living in a hot and cold climate. In a tropical climate, I can't tell the difference and also in cold and moderate climates.
I just add ice if it isn't cold enough. I do prefer cans and bottles to plastic but have no real reason for the preference.
I would have to say in a can cuz the metal around it stays colder then the plastic around a bottle!
It stays colder in a can. That's because of the aluminum.
Can. Or at least, the metal feels way colder to the touch. Metal is a conductor, and plastic is an insulator, so maybe it depends on how cold it was to begin with?
in a can. id rather to bring canned sodas to the beach instead of 3 liter sodas just becuz of that reason
can because illumine keeps heat and cold air out