Brewing coffee with a cloth strainer...?!
Brewing coffee with a cloth strainer...?
Notes: I use an extra fine grind. I boil the water first, then add the coffee (and sometimes sugar).
So the choices I have are:
Strain it immediately (like the Brazilians do)?
Or continue to boil the coffee 'till it bubbles (kind of like the Turkish method) before serving?
Thanks. First hand anecdotes are appreciated.
When I was a child electric coffee makers were not very popular or either very expensive so when I started drinking coffeefrom time to time, I was about 10 years old and my mom used to boil water and then put grinded coffee in a cloth strainer. She usually said that you should boil water but not leave it boling for too long, just until it started boiling. Then you needed to start adding water to the strainer with the coffee in it, but in very small amounts, little by little. I dont know if this was the best way, but the taste was really fine.
We use to put the coffee in with a cloth or paper towel over it..When it was done brewing we would take out the strianer with the cloth..It was real good..I would say it depends on the person on how they like their coffee to taste..