Is diet soda harmful?!


Is diet soda harmful?

can someone who ACTUALLY knows tell me if it is harmful?

aspertame, baby. that crap is horrible for you. you can find all the horror stories online. i finally kicked the habit 6 months ago and i feel much better.
what made me quit was this:
the artificial sweetner when tasted by the tounge sends a message to the brain that sugar has been consumed. in response, the brain sends a message to produce insullin to help digest this sugar. well, guess what, there is no sugar in the system so you are left with an insulin surplus. this can lead to diabetes or a lesser evil: weight gain. with too much insulin, the body begins to "crave" something sweet to use up the insulin already released into the bloodstream

it will make u fat thats bout it

If you drink it for a really long time then it can cause memory loss.

i heard it was bc it supposivly had more sugar than the regular ..

just to your teeth thats all !

Well it doesn't do any good. You are better of drinking water..........

it's not really "diet soda". just sounds good. drink water with a little bit of cranberry juices

it's bad for your stomach and skin just like any other soda and people tend to drink more cuz they think they can since it's diet

yes because diet means it takes out a certain ingrediant. but if one is taken out than you cant make the what they do is they substitute the missing ingrediant with other ingrediants. So there might be no fat but more sugar or somthing like that...that means anything that's diet it's more unhealthy including soda. just drink the regular ones.

Other than increasing your intake of sugar, not unless you breath it or inject it.

I don't know that's its HARMFUL per say, but I do know that just the fact that its sugar-free (sugar substitute like Splenda etc) doesnt make it any better for you. Its best to avoid soda all together if possible. I heard recently that sugar subsitutes have the same affect on your body as sugar- it has the same properties. Too much sugar causes weight gain, etc. PLus it rots your teeth out.

There are studies that support that diet soda is harmful and it's healthier to just drink regular soda and monitor your calorie intake.
So, although there may not be any immediate damage to the system, I am sure there is long term negative effects.

In moderation it is ok.My Dr told me this ,my daughter drinks it all the time,I was concerned because of the artifical sweeteners in it ,they just give me a wicked headache.

It is not harmful and it is much better than drinking regular soda. The sugar in regular soda is really bad for you and your teeth. The only problem with diet soda would be the sodium. Diet Rite doesn't have any sodium, so that is a good solution. But all sodas are hard on your stomach.

Yes, Because Drinking carbonated soft drinks regularly can contribute to the erosion of tooth enamel surfaces. Soft drinks, which contain sticky sugars that break down into acids, adhere easily to tooth surfaces. These acids can soften tooth substance and promote formation of plaque, which erodes the enamel. Enamel breakdown leads to cavities. If erosion spreads beneath the enamel into the dentin, pain and sensitivity may result Which may result in root canal surgery. Because saliva helps neutralize acids and wash your teeth clean, the worst time to drink soda pop, ironically, is when you are very thirsty or dehydrated due to low levels of saliva. The larger the volume of intake, the more impact pop has on your teeth "Diet sodas are part of the problem. Women especially like to drink them throughout the day and between meals because they have no calories, yet the higher frequency and volume is putting their teeth at risk." Drink soda pop only with a full meal. Be sure to brush and floss soon after drinking and/or eating. Also, resolve to quench your thirst with water. If you drink pop alone or between meals, chew sugarless gum afterward to increase your saliva flow. Also i think it taste like ****.

yes, it contains aspartme. which is a chemical.. obviously. but, when the liver enzymes break it down, they break it down like formaldehyde, supposedly. i saw this on a disovery channel show so i trust it's worthy. but i doubt if you only drink it every once and awhile.. you'll have problems. Just not drink it everyday.

The sugar substitute isn't good for you, if you drink it on a daily basis. But it is OK to drink if you have diabetes.



diet soda's contains artificial sugar which the body does NOT recognize...
therefore resulting you consuming MORE and MORE till something that is recognizable is in your stomach ( e.g real sugar)

that's why you see good sized citizens drinking diet sodas and they ain't going slim or anything cos it triggers the body ; the craving for REAL food will stop until it finds some.....

try some pure lime soda as an alternative...


Scientific opinion is mixed. Some say that swallowing small amounts of diet cola over a long period of time causes cancer. Some say the same thing about saliva!!

As they say, diet soda has no sugar. But look in the nutrition facts, it says it has sugar. They use Splenda, a fake sugar with harmful chemicals which causes cancer. So yes, diet soda is harmful. You can have it once in a while, like once a month, but more than once will probably start reacting.
Don't ever eat Splenda or any other fake sugar, they all have a bleach in the crystals that cause cancer. Only eat pure, real sugar. But don't eat sugar too much, it's not good for you, but better than Splenda and such. I hope the information helped. You can contact me by clicking on my avatar/name. Have a great day!

all soda is harmful my friend told me that if you put rusted metal in a bucket of soda, it will actually take the rust off of it. soda can also erode the lining of your stomach. diet or not soda is bad

If you have a medical reason to not have sugar your doctor would probably say it is O.K, Ask next time when you go in for something else, mine approves. It is a personal trade off of choices.

they have more sugar than regular pop.You still gain the wait you are trying to keep off.

not only is the aspartame that is used to sweeten it toxic, diet soda is actually more harmful to your teeth than regular soda.

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