What is the best type of tea?!


What is the best type of tea?

I know that drinking teas are suppose to be beneficial for many different reasons. I have been trying to improve my diet lately. What teas have you tried or heard of that are by far the best nutritionally?

If you have tried this type of tea, what was the flavor like, and did you add sugar to it, and what does it taste like if you do or dont add sugar to it? Or is that type of tea normally dont have anything added to it?

There are so many teas that are good tasting teas and you could write a book about them. To make this short "green tea" has been getting votes for being good for your health. use yahoo search for this type of tea you will find many sites to read about it.

I've been drinking green tea that has other flavors added like peach and I really enjoy it.

some people add sugar, lemon or milk to their teas...to change the taste if the tea is too sharp.....but if you start out making it on the weak side by not steeping it so long then you can steep it longer next time according to your taste.

One brand of tea I adore is "Bigelow" they make a great variety of teas and if you try one they make called "constant comment" you will treasure it like gold it's a orange and spice flavor and is great this time of year when it's so cold....

Best of luck,
Mama Jazzy Geri

I think green tea is meant to be good for concentration..

Oolong (or Woo-long), Pu-Er, and green tea have the greatest health benefits. Don't add sugar though, the extra bad calories will defeat the purpose of drinking the tea, won't cancal an effects though. Buy loose tea too, not the tea bags. Tea bags are like hot dogs, you really don't know whats in them.

i like the breakfast teas also peach tea raspberry is good also.
i use a little sugar in them also there is honey u can use to sweeten with out all the fat and calories its natural.
hope this helps Michelle

Chai Tea is an incredible tea. It has a natural spice flavor to it. You do not need to add sugar or anything else to id to enjoy it. My mom likes to put Chai creamer in her tea though. Another great addition. Try Chai Tea... You will love it.

Green tea is the best, it is full of antioxidants which have great health benefits. It also gives you energy.

Green tea had many useful side affects but any tea is beneficial for your health. It is recommended that you drink hot tea, as opposed to cold liquids, after a meal. Reason being, the cold fluid will solidify any fats from your food and slow down the breaking down of the fat. Once the fat has solidified it can take 2 to 3 days for your body to digest it. This can lead to certain types of cancers. Hot tea on the other hand aids the body in flushing the fats out more quickly.

I like hot green tea or black tea, unsweetened and ice cold sweetened black/orange pekoe tea. Both have medicinal value - antioxidants so I hope I am covered. The latest information I read said nothing about the tea having to be hot or cold. As for it having to be hot to "flush out the fats in the body," let's get real. Your body is already hot. The acid in the stomach is going to digest the fat or store it, but you can rest assure it's not going to just sit there.

For me it is Celestial Season Peppermint Tea, I add artificial sweetener and a small amount of Coffeemate.

good ol chamomile. otherwise i love earl grey. thomas

I find that Black tea is the best, I usually dont add milk, sometimes I do, but I prefer it without.

I also like sugar in it too, its ok with out sugar, lol.

I have many preferences. Also Green tea is good, but black tea is the best i find.

I love exotic asian teas.
My favorite being Oolong and White tea. Then green tea, and black tea.
I reccommend SILVER NEEDLE WHITE TEA. It is supposedly "rare" and grows only one month out of the year. Not too expensive, 1/4 is about $12 bucks on eBay.
First time i had the silver needle, it was okay. But after a day or two, it tasted fantastic.
As far as Oolong, try AMBER, or JADE. Do some research on the internet for those.

If your drinking any of these teas, please dont add any sweetner. It will kill the natural taste of the tea.
BUT... if you purchase BLACK TEA, which are commonly mixed with flavors like, BLACKBERRY, or GINGER, PEACH, POMEGRANATE, LEMON, etc. those are okay to add some honey to them.

If Oolong, White, or Green tea is just not sweet enough for you, purchse dried GINGER and sip the tea with it.

It is also recommended that you purchase a CLAY, PORCELAIR, or CERAMIC tea pot, and cups.
I dont know if they taste better that way, but it sure does give it a different feel, and plus its the right way. And the only way hardcore tea enthusiasts drink tea.

I started drinking tea right after my trip to China. Learned a lot, brought back some really exotic expensive teas, and enjoying every minute of it.

Plus, ist hella good for you :)

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