Should coffee be banned as an illegal drug?!


Should coffee be banned as an illegal drug?

people love coffee.
almost every working or studying person likes to have a cup of coffee in the morning to start their day......

but why do so many people do this?? can it be good to put something in your body that alters you?
and so often!
are there many harmful effects of coffee besides stained teeth?

i like coffee as well and sometimes i have it in the morning, and other times in the afternoons.

i just think that water or something should be a better way to stay awake and that an altering drink like coffee can only have harmful effects over the long term.

You make your own decisions about coffee and stay the h@ll away from my latte machine!
I have a demitasse spoon and I know how to use it!

No please, I would not survive and then people would have to open clinics for rehab and make money on us.

rediculus man! Don't even bring it up I can't live without coffee

Give them time and someone will try. If someone enjoys something, someone always has to come along and try to ban it. Give me a break. I've already had one mother dont need another.

well, if you banned coffee, you would also have to ban any item that included caffeine in the ingredients. Caffeine really isnt all that bad. I say that something that increases your senses without impairing any of them is a good drug to me.

Coffee has health benefits, there was a study, that it can prevent Parkinsons desease. I will never give up Coffee, it is one of the few things I truly enjoy each day.

What about decaffeinated coffee? Should that be banned as well? I think you mean to call attention to the chemical substance known as caffeine. Are you really that ignorant or was this a pathetic attempt at humor?

You try that and you will be annihilated. Not a smart move, dude

I do not think it should be banned. I think that if it affects you to where it makes your nervous you should drink decaff I think. But to each person own taste. I think it is much better to get a small rush this way then to do other drugs.

I don't like coffee much, if it ain't with plenty of suggar and milk/cream, I can't drink it. But I'm crazy over Mountain Dew and other caffeine based drinks, so you can't stop the thing.....even if you ban it, it would end up just like the other drugs: easy to get, just for a little more money

no way.. people are crabby enough now that smoking is illiegal

so drink water and let the rest of us have coffee.....cheers!

let's work on something really harmful that needs to be banned,if at all,coffee has only very marginal side effects & that far from dangerous,don't be harsh on mankind,let's enjoy something we truly love,be in morning ,noon or night,coffee is here to stay & it's welcome wholeheartedly.

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!... i need my fix.
give me a caramel latte with a double shot of espresso. i'm not addicted. i can stop anytime i want?

Caffeine should remain legal. As you can see by many of the answers, many coffee drinkers are addicted, and would lose it if they lost their supply. It just goes to show that black markets are worse than any particular drug can be. C. Everett Koop stated it very well, "If tobacco suddenly were unavailable and was as expensive as heroin and cocaine, I think that you would find that the behavior of some tobacco addicts would be very much like the behavior of some addicts of heroin and cocaine."

Nooooooo...I need my coffee. Also, if you banned coffee, you would need to ban everything else with caffine. Don't do it.

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