Why is it that when i drink coffee, i get more sleepy?!


Why is it that when i drink coffee, i get more sleepy?

is'nt coffee suppose to keep you up and awake??

Its a known fact that cafeine & other stimulants have a calming effect in hyperactive people. One of my friends is the same way, and she is hyperactive.

You're not getting more sleepy. Its your imagination or it may be occurring because you only drink coffee when it is late, or you tend to sit and be inactive after you drink coffee.

Only for some people. Others it calms them down. You evidently are one who it calms down.
My mother would give me coffee starting when I was 7 or so. She said it calmed me down? Addiction has been for a very long time now......

Drugs do not act the same in all people.

ive heard that caffeine helps your body do what it wants to do, better. if you're really sleep when you drink it, its going to make you go to sleep. if you've gotten enough sleep, it'll help you wake up. i cant remember where i heard that, but it makes a lot of sense

Perhaps you are only drinking coffee when you are already tired. Caffeine is a mild stimulant. It won't keep you going past your body's limitations.

If you drink a lot of coffee, then you'll be immune to the caffeine, and it won't keep you awake.

But if you drink milk in the coffee, then this will make you sleepy. Your body puts its energy into digesting the millk, making you feel sleepy.

Caffeine increases the level of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. When you feel sleepy it is maybe because the chemical substances has reached it's normal level. Too little of those can trigger depression and too much triggers hyperactivity.

If its caffeinated then you get a rush or a little energy but once the body uses all of it you crash and thats why you get tired. If you have been drinking coffee for a long time you probably dont notice the energy you only notice the crash. In science, once the bodyb uses the drug it reduces your energy lower than it was when you started to drink it.

It is often given to children
who are hyper-active. The
caffeine acts differently on
some people. As with all
drugs, you can not be sure
what effect it will have on
an individual until taken.

due some other tent ion, you are getting some relax,that s why
you getting sleepy

when u drink it its because ur sleepy to keep u awake right? well after the coffee effects ware off u are more tired than when u were before u drank the coffee.

it is the temperature of the drink
even if you drink warm water or warm milk or tea

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