Is it dangerous to drink water out the toilet?!


Is it dangerous to drink water out the toilet?

Ok if its just been flushed, surely?

Nothing wrong with that at all, Mr P! Drink all you like from the poo pan - it'll do you good. Build you up to be a big, strong psycho!

Nope, knock yourself out.


What are you - a dog?

Dogs seem to like it.

There again, they like to lick their own ****.

No, you're fine but chew the loo paper slowly and don't be bloo!

i don't think so i mean dogs drink it

Nope, and if your lucky, you may get some scrummy chocolate to go with your drink

No. In fact, it is very healthy. It strenghtens your immune system.

If it's a newly flushed cleaned toilet and there's no chemicals in there, I'd say no because it's just water. There's more bacteria on your hands than there is on your loo.

as long as the toilet is clean, the water is supposed to be as good as any other tap water in your house.
knock yourself out!

That is really seriosly gross. What the hell is wrong with u?

only if you are really thirsty, not a good idea .

yoor stupid corse ya cant drink owta a toilet! r ya a dog or sumat dn do ya no how many germs are in yoor toilet wether yooh have flushed it or not? lol stupid boi or girl lol

Certainly not , how many dogs have you seen doing it and they come to no harm, go on knock yoursef out have a guzzle today youll love it!!

I wouldn't even let my dog do that. Yukkkkkk!!!!!!

Well, I wouldn't recommend it. Even though it may be new water after it has been flushed there are still lots of bacteria left over (Which is why we clean them.) Also, if you use those bowl cleaners that you put on the back of your toilet so it is supposed to clean your toilet every time you flush then it could be dangerous because of the chemicals.

try it and let us know

you p/ss and sh/t in it so no its not ok,is there something wrong with you taps?????

It is the same water that comes out of the tap if you drink out of the tap then this should taste the same. Make sure it is flushed first.

probably you have just **** in there is bound to b some germs left on the side and why would you want to

Did you see the OPRAH show last week? They tested for bacteria in several restaurants and the toilets were cleaner than the sinks! The samples were taken to labs for processing and
and the results were really frightening.
So, if your toilet has been cleaned....
go for it!

They say that your toilet seat is more hygienic, less germs etc than your kitchen work top, so go for it and have your dinner off the loo while your at it...............


plenty of bacteria and germs still lingering

also there may be traces of cleaning fluid which contain harmful toxins


why,are you planning on doing that?

yeah its just tap water and only sits in a bowl where your fecal matter goes .. so yeah its okay to drink it ....

are you effin serious? you DO NOT DRINK OUT OF THE TOILET unless you are like dying of thirst and you have no other source of water.
plus if you do i would NOT tell anyone and i wold like brush your teeth a thousand times before you kissed or talked to anyone.

Please for your sake and my mental health, DONT DO IT.

If it's cleaned, and flushed, then supposedley, it's tap water. But I wouldn't try it. That's discusting. If oyu really want to do it, knock yourself out.

Hey if dogs don't die, we humans can probably handle it too! The thing is that we are so accustomed to a certain life style that we don't realize that one day we might not have another choice. Yes, one never knows what kind of situation we could find ourselves in. Of course I wouldn't do it, unless i had no choice, but i heard a human mouth carries more than 40 thousand germs and sometimes the mouth is used for so many other things! Let's learn to be humble, we are blessed to have an opportunity that other people in the world or in our own cities don't have. I think that was a good question! just my point of view, no offense! Think everybody!

Didn't do my Old English Sheepdog any harm. Never tried it myself. Why would you want to?

you are funny but sooooooo disgusting lol, i don`t know if it is dangerous but i would not try it myself xx

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