Is it possbile for a person to drink too much water...?!


Is it possbile for a person to drink too much water...?

I work 8hrs a day in an office and i would say that i drink 11.2 ounces of water hourly. Is tht too much?

Yaar i think u should consult a doctor. its the best way to get the ans & in my opinion water is very good for health but anything can harm if it gets overdoes...

I think as long as you don't get sick from it.. actually throwing up, you are fine. That's only 90 ounces...

too much of anything is bad - well, almost - but ask your doctor what he/she thinks

Of course, a person can die from consuming too much water (as happened recently during a radio show promotion).

if you drink too much at one time without urinating you could be in danger. it happened to some lady a few months back in the news. she was in a water drinking contest and a few hours later she died.

It is absolutely possible. YOu can look it up.. It can cause your kidneys to shut down and cause heart failure. There was a story in the news recently where someone tried to break a record drinking water and she died the same day.
Don't know if 11.2 oz per hour is too much, I would think it depends on how much you weigh. Usually 8 eight oz. cups a day are plenty for most people

yah, eventually you will drown

yes, it is not only possible, it happens

probably if you pee more than 1 time every 2 hours and it is all the way clear. but you can never have to much water in your body cause peeing makes you clean it all out!

Remember the lady who died from drinking too much water in the "Hold your wee for a Wii" radio contest?

your fine.
it is possible to drink too much water but your not even close

Water is good for you.

Make sure where you're working isn't getting too overheated, and if you are "releasing" the water you are drinking you will be fine.

If you were to really drink too much water, you'd throw up.

It's more water than you need, but it won't hurt you.
But if you drink three liters in one sitting, it can kill you.

If you drink around gallon and a half within two hours, you can get water intoxication, which causes electrolyte imbalance and can result in fatal swelling of the brain.

I heard on the news a few weeks ago where a person died while in a contest on a local radio station after trying to drink the most water. She drank like 8 gallons within a day or something and she had I think they said kidney failure. So its true you can drink too much water.

If you were drinking to much water your body would dispose of any excess. You should drink water regularly working in the office to keep you hydrated i would say 1.5l bottle per day is more than enough, this does not have to be water but can be juice.

Well I think that that is a fine amount of water to drink but try to lower it a little so you don't over exceed it. OK? :)

If you drink it 24/7! If you drink waaaaay too much water, you may even die. It was on the news once.But at 11 ounces a day, thats fine. Maybe you could even switch to juice!

That is probably not out of the reasonable range, as indoor climates can be dry and as long as you are also eating food at appropriate intervals and using the bathroom as needed. However there IS such a thing as water toxicity, people have actually died from drinking excessive amounts of water over a short period of time.

Yes you can drink too much and cause yourself to drown internally. However, your body will tell you [if you are not intoxicated at the time of cosuming the water] when you have had too much.

Water intoxication (also known as hyperhydration or water poisoning) is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain function that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside of safe limits by a very rapid intake of water.A person with two healthy kidneys can excrete about 900ml (0.24 gal)/hr.[2] Consuming as little as 1.8 litres of water (0.48 gal) in a single sitting may prove fatal for a person adhering to a low-sodium diet, or 3 litres (0.79 gallons) for a person on a normal diet. However, this must be modulated by potential water losses via other routes. For example, a person who is perspiring heavily may lose 1 L/hr (0.26 gal) of water through perspiration alone, thereby raising the threshold for water intoxication. The problem is further complicated by the amount of electrolytes lost in urine or sweat, which is variable within a range controlled by the body's regulatory mechanisms. In anutshell the answer is no...11.2 oz per hour is probably not going to hurt you.

You'd really have to be drinking a lot before you were drinking too much. Having to go to the loo so often usually stops people drinking too much. If you're only drinking one and a half ounces per hour you'll be fine.

Yes, you can die from it. It's called hyponatremia or "water intoxication". Overhydration can also result in an overactive bladder. The most important thing is to listen to your body and drink when you're thirsty, not because you think it's "healthy". Best of luck and be careful!

11.2 ounces of water every hour is not much. It is good for your body and you can drink as much water as you can as long as you dont throw up. Water is the best drink ever. However, if you get too thirsty every hour which makes you drink really lots of water and you still feel thirsty, better consult your doctor. This is because diabetic people or people with high level of blood sugar may feel thirsty all the time.

yes but you would have to drink a heck of a lot of water to flood your kidneys.

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