Help with Water drinking?!


Help with Water drinking?

Ok here is the deal..
I know I should drink water and I really do try, but I am a 42 year old woman who literaly GAGS when I try to drink it.. I can't stand it makes me almost vomit at times..
I have tried every bottled water I can find from Aquafina, Dassani Oark, hersheys.. and always the same.. i start gagging no matter how fast i try to drink it..

The only way I have found I can get it down is if I like make a weak tea and put splenda in it..

I have tried it with lemon, lime etc..

Please help.. I dehydrate a lot wake up at night with mouth and lips dried out.. i gotta do something but i just cannot drink straight water..

Koolaid and capri sun both give me heartburn lol

I am at a total loss here..

Additional Details

2 months ago
Sorry I do not drink coffee..
I pretty much live on diet coke

2 months ago
I have pretty much always been this way.. same with potatos i gag and carry on if i find one little bite of a mushy potato in something i eat.. but potatos i can live without..
It is just really hard to drink something that makes you gag and want to vomit.. but I force myself at least once a day because we have to have water..

2 months ago
I love juice but am diabetic so I can't drink a lot of it either..

bought some Perrier today.. man this stuff taste like alka seltzer lol

2 months ago
Sorry I do not drink coffee..
I pretty much live on diet coke

2 months ago
I have pretty much always been this way.. same with potatos i gag and carry on if i find one little bite of a mushy potato in something i eat.. but potatos i can live without..
It is just really hard to drink something that makes you gag and want to vomit.. but I force myself at least once a day because we have to have water..

2 months ago
I love juice but am diabetic so I can't drink a lot of it either..

bought some Perrier today.. man this stuff taste like alka seltzer lol

Try half water half Gatorade (fruit punch) i do this all the time and it keeps ME hydrated and no heartburn

Drink water with coffee from - the best coffee in the world!

has this been the case all ur life? if not u may want to consider checking with the Dr., he may be able to give u the best and safe advice speficifically for u.

God Bless!!!

It sounds like you're trying to drink it wrong's too cold, you're trying to drink too much, or you're drinking poor quality water.

Have you tried a flavored seltzer? Canada dry makes some good ones. Personally, I can't stand tap water (even with a Pur filter) or cheap bottled waters like Aquafina and Dasani (they're just tap water), so I drink evian and san pellegrino.

Cold water can make people feel like gagging, so try drinking it at room temperature.

You might also want to try a straw, or just adding a splash of juice to the glass...when I'm not feeling well, I like a bit of OJ or cranberry juice in my water.

Start slowly; even water can be an acquired taste. Don't try to drink more than two or three glasses a day, and work up to 6-8. Dehydration can cause medical problems over time, but be patient with yourself. Good luck!

PS - fruit is a good source of water and nutrients, so consider adding some grapes and watermelon to your diet!

coffee is a bad idea anyways. for every cup of coffee you are supposed to drink 2 glasses of water.

i have the same problem with drinking water. i drink lots and LOTS of apple juice and just make sure its the 100 % juice stuff..but that can cause you to have the runs. The only way i can drink water is if i put just a little bit of lemon in it and then put 2 packets of slenda in it. It makes it taste delightful and at the same time is just like drinking straight water!!! Tea can dehydrate you even more than hydrate you.

Good luck..hopefully that will help! Im 38 weeks pregnant can imagine how much water im supposed to drink. Thats the only way i get it down!!!

try propel fitness water it has diffirent flavors and does not give me heartburn and i have hb real bad

I'm the same way but i only drink regular coke... i started to drink crystal light, i use the crystal light to-go packets in bottled water, its so tasty and now i drink so much of it sometimes i over hydrate myself lol try it they have lots of wicked good flavors

How about cordial 90% is water once mixed and you make it to your liking sweet or weak . Cottees fruit cup is my favourite. Keep a bottle next to your bed. Cordial is great for hangovers too as you hydrate with the water and the sugar from the cordial replaces lost sugars.

Read a nice article on benefits of water and anti aging, the link :

Hope this helps.

Try artificially flavored waters. Some of them are calorie free. You can find one that has a strong enough taste to get it town. I can't think of the names of any off the top of my head, but look down the water aisle at your grocery store.

Maybe if you just put a teaspoon of sugar in it, you might be able to drink it. It will taste like syrup... a very .. liquidy, thin syrup. This is how some parents get toddlers to drink water. :D

The tea idea sounds good. Maybe you could substitute different favors of Kool-Aid powder for the tea. Don't try to drink fast. just keep a drink around and sip it slowly through a straw .Also , a whole popsicle is about a cup of liquid.

Have you tried Crystal Light? It comes in a lot of flavors without the calories. I like this and flavored sparkling water.
Watered down gatorade is good also. If the tea and sugar help then just stick with that.

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