Is bottled water REALLY good for you??!


Is bottled water REALLY good for you??

I drink up to 2 litres per day, is it REALLY healthy, or am I jut fooling myself??

i think that all depends on many factors. for one, how your pipes are in your house. if you have old pipes, you could rust problems..which isn't quite appetizing...also, i used to live in a house where the water came out of the tap and it was orange from the fact that we lived near a rock quarry. There was no way that I was going to drink it. In that case, I feel that the bottled water would be much better.

If you are worried about what could be in your water, you could get it checked. you can also get one of those nifty filters that they have most anywhere...That should clean up most of what is in your water.

I like bottled water because of the convenience. I am more likely to drink water if I can just grab it and go. If I have to take time to get it at home, I get lazy and don't want to drink it..ANY water is better than no water :)

You are making the bottle water people rich. Water is water. Fill up at the sink, and save.

Fooling yourself in some ways, but not totally.

Water is great for you, but bottled water is a con, its no better than what you get from the tap. Its been proven time and time again - bottled water is great when you're out and about and don't have a choice, but at home you've got no excuse not to use the tap.

I watched a programme last night called the Bulls*** Detective (look it up) and he talked about it, apparently its no better for you than tap water, and even water derived from Urine has the exact same composition. So no its not better for you

Water is water is water.

I don't know how "healthy" it is but it's much better than drinking tap water. I have to friends that work for the Environmental Protection Agency analysing the country's water and there's no way you would see them drinking tap water.

Water is water. Drink the stuff from the faucet. Some bottled water actually comes from regular city water systems.

Up to 4 litres a day is very healthy. Tap water/ bottled, no real difference.

i drink bottled water all the time because the water in my area tastes horrible - but apparently there is more bacteria in bottled water.

Really healthy compared to what? If you drink water from a tap it has all sorts of bacteria and things in it, so bottled water is much cleaner and fresher.

i think so... any kind of water as long as it's clean is healthy.... it's better if you drink water that's not cold... and if you're fond of drinking bottled waters, it's better if that bottled water contains fluoride, because fluoride makes your teeth stronger...

I heard a financial guy talking and he said if you get a filter for your faucet you can possibly save 100's of dollars a year on not buying bottled water, depending on how much you buy.

Water is good for you in bottle or tap.
Bottled water is bad for the environment, produces too much unnecessary plastic.

You should drink at least 2 L a day, its a cheap and easy way to keep your system clean.

The short answer is NO. While a degree of water intake is essential to any person's life because it provides the medium in which all your metabolic reactions take place as well as transportation of chemical substances such as ionsin intake you need, only if you do not have access to safe tap water would it be appropriate to drink bottled water.

Be aware alsoi the minmum daily output necessary to remove waste products inside you is 0.5 litres. Most people produce about that amount when they use loo. But if somebody has certain medical problems like kidney failure or heart failure resulting in insufficient amounts coming out of them when they go to loo drinking more than absolute minimum amount of water whether from tap or bottled water would be extremely bad for you. It could make you very overweight and ill through having oedema.

I have a Britta dispenser water filtration system for the fridge.....the water taste just as good if not better than bottled water and it cost a lot less....well worth the money

I don't think that its really good for you but I think that if you just filter your water or boil it first and them let it cool down that also is just as good

I guess in a way it is as there is less chlorine in it.

Tap water is supposed to be as goodif not better than bottled water these days, but I always think that you do what you have faith or believe in, either is healthy for you.

after working in a bottled water factory I can safely say no. It comes from the same place tap water does and nothing extra is added or taken away (unless it's flavoured water of course!)

Just a big marketing con. Tap water is cheaper and more enviromentally friendly.

Dont now

Water is necessary for life. In a way, it is good for your survival, to sustain life.

Drinking adequate amount of water is healthy. How much a day depends how much you activity you do or how much water you lose via perspiration and urination. Two liters maybe okay.

As long as the water you drink is clean and uncontaminated, it is fine. Bottled water is one such source.

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