Coffee or tea and why?!


Coffee or tea and why?

tea because I love it!

I prefer tea as it is a more subtle taste then coffee which is too bitter for me.

tea coffee is toooo strong

I prefer tea ...dont mind a cappuchino or milky coffee though ....are you offering to make one by the way ...2 sugars in mine please :-)

coffee? or tea? well i prefer tea its not as bitter and its cheap easy lots of diffrent flavors and some of the herbs are helpful there are sevral reasons but....

coffee with milk and 2 sugars
tea is to bland for me

sweet tea:)

love a cup of tea ,find coffee too strong,

Iced tea+splenda, watching my weight

Tea. I only drink coffee if I run out of milk as I can't drink black tea.

Coffee (freshly ground & filtered) to wake me up in the morning and tea from then on apart from the odd occasion or if I eat out!

Tea! I only drink tea because coffee isn't healthy and if you start drinking it, it becomes like a least as I know.

I love a nice cup of tea. The thing is that I drink much more coffee and I like it strong (though mostly decaf).

I save tea drinking for just a few occasions a week. I don't want it to become dull through familiarity.

Instant coffee home made and not too strong

Tea. Hooked, love it, linger in the tea section of the supermarket just so I can breath it in!


it's good for health. reduces fat too.

coffee-(to get me going in the morning)1 cup.

and my two a week treat starbucks
vanilla latte to relax and enjoy my" me time"
while my kids are in school.

TEA! pure reason of hating coffee and the smell

tea coffee is just disgusting in all forms

i prefer tea but i will drink coffee if i have to, tea just tastes so much better.

Tea. Because High Tea would not be the same with coffee. Plus seems to be a lot less harsh on the belly. Also comes in a lot of yummy flavors.

coffee because i dont like tea, and it doesnt matter if it goes cold it still tastes good

neither. i prefer mocha(nestle of course). its nice and smooth and tastes absolutely gorgeous.

tea, because its healthier, plus coffee gives you bad breath

Herbal Tea...because it is refreshing and very good for you

Coffee (Nescafe Gold Blend for me!). Smells nicer.

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