Is milk really good for you or is it just fatty?!


Is milk really good for you or is it just fatty?

As far as milk being fatty, skim milk has none. Here are the things that you will find in milk and what they do for you:

Calcium: Helps build and maintain strong bones. It's also vital for nerve function, muscle contraction, and blood clotting.
Protein: Important for a number of bodily functions ― vital to brain development and the growth of body tissues.
Vitamin A: Maintains normal vision and skin. Helps regulate cell growth and integrity of the immune system.
Vitamin B-12: Essential for the growth and health of the nervous system. Linked to normal activity of folic acid and is involved in blood formation.
Vitamin D: Promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and influences bone mineralization, the strengthening of bones.
Potassium: Regulates the body's fluid balance and blood pressure. It also is needed for muscle activity and contractions.
Phosphorus: Helps generate energy in the body's cells and influences bone mineralization, the strengthening of bones.
Niacin: Keeps enzymes functioning normally and helps the body process sugars and fatty acids. It is also important for the development of the nervous system.
Riboflavin: Helps produce energy in the body's cells and plays a vital role in the development of the nervous system.


it is good for you


milk is good for you and you can also use 1% low fat milk and skim milk.

Milk is really good for you.
You can choose the fat level from almost 0 (skim milk) to heavy cream which is 18% or more.
Like anything else, it's a good idea to balance your dairy with other food. Eat a balanced diet.

As long as you are not lactose intolerant, it's really good for you. If you don't want the fat, you can try skim milk. I drink raw milk from our dairy farm, and it is sooooo good!

It's got lots of calcium, and it's a good source of protein.

If you are lactose intolerant, there are lots of other ways to get calcium and protein, though. Canned salmon (eat the bones) is one. Seaweed is a great source of calcium. So are little dried fish with almonds. Some people have problems with milk, but are fine with yogurt and cheese.

Hard to beat a nice glass of milk with chocolate chip cookies, though! (Although, I will admit that chocolate chip cookies usually have nothing going for them except high calories.)

Milk has Calcuim and Vitiman D, its good

Milk builds strong bones and makes you strong. :)

milk has tons of good things in it.

There are those that argue that the human body is not meant to consume milk past adolescence.
That being said, milk is a good source of calcium and a fair source of protein.
Just remember to watch the fat content, a glass of 1% milk contains 2.5 grams. Daily recommended intake is about 30 grams.

Milk is good for you in moderation. It has a blend of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fats very close to perfect, but the fat in mil is not of the best kind.

There are two myths about milk that have been recently demolished. Drinking huge amounts of milk does not prevent osteoporosis and drinking exclusively low fat or fat free milk is not good for you, apparently increases the infertility rate in women.

Milk is a very healthy drink that's why it is in the food pyramid. It contains vitamins and minerals which is good for your health. It contains Protein, Calcium, Vitamin B and C also D. It is very healthy for your health. It can make your skin smooth and healthy!

No offense, but I hate when people ask if milk is fatty. It seems like in today's world everything is fattening. Milk is something essential to your body. You'd have to drink literally gallons of it a day to have an effect on your weight. If you really feel like you have to get Fat Free instead of whole milk, but don't worry about the calories in milk. I myself am not a huge milk fan, but it's milk, and I don't care about the calories in it. My philosophy is "if it's good for you, forget about the negatives like calories that come with it" Take Care.

I had that same conversation with some of my friends. Milk is good for you, with all the calcium and vitamin D. The comercials aren't trying to trick you. Milk won't make you fat.... And it will give you strong bones and teeth. Back then, people used to bathe in milk because it has an enriching effect on the skin, too. Hope I helped you!




it is good for you it has calcium that makes strong bones and make you slim and trim

Basically, milk is good. It is the only perfect food. Infants usually attain proper growth with milk intake only. However, this is no longer applicable to older individuals. When teeth erupt, milk merely becomes supplementary food. You do not have to worry about the fats in milk. No infant got problems after taking in much fats from milk.

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