Sodas unhealthy, right?!


Sodas unhealthy, right?

But right now i felt an urge for a huge glass of soda. I havent drank much for at least a month. Cause I know its bad for me. But now i feel i need some, what should i do? Diet soda taste weird, are there any that dont?

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2 months ago
Win S, how is two a day limiting yourself???!! For what, a college student? I hope you mean two sips, not two servings.

2 months ago
Ive never drank two servings in one day except for parties because i know how bad it is.

2 months ago
Win S, how is two a day limiting yourself???!! For what, a college student? I hope you mean two sips, not two servings.

2 months ago
Ive never drank two servings in one day except for parties because i know how bad it is.

give into the craving....

pour half of it out as soon as you open it then drink the rest...

try not to drink them too often... yes very bad for you...

one of the main causes of my kidney stoneS..

try water...


Diet Coke is about as decent of a diet soda that you will find. In addition, it has very low sodium content.

diet dr. pepper---you can hardly taste the difference between that and regular. but if you can fight the's just liquid candy.

soda is beyond unhealthy, lets see the sugar in it rotts ur teeth and stains them, the caffiene and carbonation will give u a nice big belly :)

having soda every once in a while isn't bad, however you should watch out because if you do have just one cup soda actually makes you more thirsty (because of the ingerdients they have in it) so its likely you'll be wanting more and more (as you get more and more thirsty) and drinking too much makes it really unhealthy

Moderation is key.

Soda is not bad for you. You have been trained, incorrectly I might add!

Just drink the soda. Do it in moderation like anything else and it's ok. It's not going to hurt you.

What kind of question is this? If you want soda, then have soda. If you don't want soda, then don't have it. Whatever you want.

too much sugar too much fizz too unhealthy. settle for some fruit juice or maybe tea? have u tried crystal light? just giving you options....

No don't worry its all lies soda is extremely healthy for you drink it at least 5 times a day and don't whatever you do don't drink diet drink pure pop

diet soda really isn't that great for you either. I haven't had soda in a few months except for sprite 2 weeks ago. I get sick now every time i try to drink soda...well, not sick, just not good...but i guess sprite is the only one that didn't upset my stomach...but go for a glass of juice or gatorade or something instead...see if it works...

Diet Coke is the best for what ails you...

Diet Mountain Dew. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm good

Everything is bad for you now, so i say drink up just don't drown yourself. as long as you drink enough water you will be ok.

Diet root beer is pretty good, far as I'm concerned. However, as long as you're reasonably healthy and don't drink a dozen sugar-loaded sodas a day, you shouldn't have a problem indulging once in awhile. So go have that nice tall glass of A&W. Aw, what the heck - pour the root beer over a glass filled with vanilla ice cream and make it a REAL treat!

all diet soda in my opinion tastes nasty,....unless your diabetic regular soda and diet soda are the same nutritionally

yeah because of the sugar and carbohydrates

Drink soda if you like it. They say more than two a day is unhealthy, and it sounds as if you are drinking much less. Diet Mountain Dew is nice, and add ice. I like diet, caffeine free (the gold bottles or cans) Coca Cola, with ice and pizza.
The caffeine free is the healthy part, and with some of my clients, its all they are allowed to drink.

if you drink juice instead of soda than thats not much better. if you strictly drink water than you can probably give yourself a treat once in awhile. just remember moderation!

Soda IS bad for you. there is the obvious sugar, then there us the acid (thats gonna throw your body chemstry off and cause all sorts of problems, acne is the most well known), and then caffien, which makes it addictive.

I limit myself to two a day.
One of the harmful ingredients (at least in colas) is Phosphoric Acid. It tends to dissolve calcium, and can lead to lower bone density and osteoperosis.
Of course, the sugar and other sweeteners, and the caffein, and etc...........
Anything's bad if you take too much of it.

Personally, I like diet Dr. Pepper; it tastes the most like the regular soda.

You can also try Hansen's Natural Sodas... they're sweetened with Splenda instead of aspartame and they have many, many different flavors--I like the root beer and cherry vanilla flavors.

Have one would you. It won't hurt every now and then.

It can make one fat and causes dehydration.

Sparkling water!!


Sodas are poison.

It takes 24 glasses of water to flush out the damage caused by one soft drink. So if you drink four soft drinks a day, you need to have 24 x 4 or 96 glasses of water to flush the acidic levels out of your body.... and then you need to have the regular water your body needs on top of that!

Soft Drinks are poison and are killing our youth and adults. Stop drinking it now.

I drink it everyday.

Once in a while isn't bad,but the carbontion makes you gain weight.

Just drink it.

Soda is extremely bad for the health. It has been associated with diabetes, osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, hypertension, and the dreaded cancer. Why? Foremost, it is very acidic beverage. The prime sodas available in the market has an acidity between 2.5 to 2.8 of pH scale. Nearer the number to 1, the more acidic it is. A 10 oz glass of soda will bring your blood pH to 4.6. The human blood has a pH of 7.3-7.4. A person with blood pH of 6.9 becomes comatose. So pH 4.6 means death. But why haven't you died despite gallons of soda intake? Your calcium in the bones buffers the hydrogen ions from it and so explains why the bones get weak and become very fragile. The caffeine in soda is an addictive substance. It is also a diuretic that pours out the water out of your body unnecessarily. The carbon dioxide that makes it carbonated is a body waste and should be eliminated. The body needs oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide so why bring in a waste product into your system? The sugar contents is of no nutritional value but only causes obesity. So before you gulp the next sip of soda, think of cancer? diabetes? ossteoporosis? etc.

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