Tea or Coffee?!


Tea or Coffee?




Coffee, definately coffee!!

Coffee, I am addicted to it.


Tea definitly

why every one here is in favour of coffee, I think all of you are from Americas.

An article in New Scientist magazine[3] mentions that numerous studies suggest that green tea protects against a range of cancers, including lung, prostate and breast cance, while there are no side effects of TEA, yet known except small quantity of caffien.
Tea keeps you active and energetic for whole day long. IT IS THE WORLD'S MOST FAV. BEVERAGE.
Regular drinking of tea can prevent dental cavity to some extent.
There is also epidemiological evidence that drinking green tea (but not black tea or oolong tea) may help prevent diabetes,
Clinical trials conducted by the University of Geneva in Switzerland indicate that green tea raises metabolic rates and speeds up fat oxidation.
A recent study appearing in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology stated that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) found in Green Tea can help to boost one's immune system, therefore helping to prevent HIV

On other hand
Many coffee drinkers are familiar with "coffee jitters", a nervous condition that occurs when one has had too much caffeine. It can also cause anxiety and irritability
Due to its diuretic effect, coffee use can lead to dehydration in some individuals, and as a result, contribute to constipation
Coffee burns calcium from bones of drinker.
It has considerably higher amount of caffien than tea.

for your self,or others??if for your self try tea.10,000 kinds
if for a group and yournot sure offer both.

I guess I am in a minority. I like tea!

i think you should have coffee because tea will can of slow you down if your heading out if not you can have tea it's your choice really


tea...It's healthy and it also cures pains.

Good, rich, coffee. Fancy restaurant rich coffee, with cheesecake!

COFFEE! COFFEE! *squeals*


Fruit tea =)

French vanilla coffee in the morning, iced tea and lemon in the afternoons.

Coffee in the morning and tea at night.

Tea, nice strong British teas with cream.
And maybe a scone would be nice with that!

like both, but drink tea more than coffee

Tea. However, if you are looking to stay awake, eat an apple--it works much better is fighting tiredness than what caffeine can do. Try the apple, and thank me later!!!

Im not much of a coffee drinker but tea is always good. i like cold tea and no no not iced tea, "cold tea"


Ooooooooooo...................... Thats a hard Choice! :-(
I take BOTH Thank you! :-)


Tea has LESS CAFFINE or the one that i driNK!
CoFFe= 2 much caffeine

I drink coffee in the morning,then tea in the afternoon and evening.I like both but tea is more relaxing.


well i depends
when i meditate or I'm really calm i drink tea
when it really early or I'm just in the mood cause i need it then coffee


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