Would you let your 11 year old have an occassional Red Bull?!


Would you let your 11 year old have an occassional Red Bull?

And if so how often?

does your 11 year old ask for one if so let them try before lunch or right after If they don't ask don't offer I wouldn't let it be a regular thing Actually I wouldn't give one to any of my kids at all even if they asked

are you crazy do you want a hyperactive kid?

oh go on then just one - there's no alcohol in it

why not? its just a drink...other than quenching your thirst...it doesnt matter...its only mental...

No. At 11 your body isn't fully developed. When these first came out, they actually had people having heart attacks from them.

ETA: If you Google "Red Bull Health Impact" you'll find lots of information on International deaths caused by Red Bull.

Following the deaths of an Irish student who had drunk three cans of Red Ball after strenuous exercise, and three people in Sweden in 2001 who drank it combined with alcohol and/or exercise, the product came under scrutiny. BBC Northern Ireland reported the recommendations of
the enquiry by the FSPB (Food Safety Protection Board - also referred to as the Food Safety Promotion Board) which followed the death of the Irish student

Not in a million years.


Absolutely not!
By eleven, he should have already moved on to crack and meth.

I checked out the ingredient list, and while there are a lot of empty calories, there are also a lot of nutrients. I'll include the link. I've never tried the stuff, but would tend to think, since it's an energy drink, it shouldn't hurt, unless the child is hyperactive.


No. 11 year olds already have an excess of energy because they have high metabolisms. He doesn't need anymore! But if he really really wants one, make sure you don't give it to him before he goes to bed as with all soft drinks and sugars.

No I personally wouldnt as they are known to cause heart palpatations, even when drunk in moderation.
The sugar content and caffeine is ridiculous for even adults to consume let alone a child who is still growing and learning good eating habits.
But it's entirely up to you and no one else.

sure!..red bulls fine to drink occasionally..i mean for an 11 year old..cuz it duznt contain alcohol.but dont drink 2 much..cheers!

Absolutely not! An eleven year old does not need Red Bull! If they feel the need for one I'd have him/her to the doctor now!! That would tell me something is physically wrong with them. An occasional soda pop maybe, definitely lots of water and juice, but no Red Bull.

I wouldn't let an 11 year old drink red bull because I know a couple people who drink it and they act like they are on drugs!!!

No way Jose!

no i would not give a occassional red bull to a 11 year old kid
there hyper enough at that age already.

Yes, I would! Red bulls may be an energy drink, but I think they are less strong than other ones. A Red Bull occasionally would not hurt an 11 year old.

No don't! I know when I was younger and had a sip I thought Red Bull was disgusting, it is actually used by alcoholics to try and wean them off alcohol and stop the addiction. This couldn't be good for an 11 year old. The caffeine levels are too high and you'll have a hyper-active kid on your hands! Tests have shown that red bull has a worse effect on the nervous system compared to beer and wine BUT I'm sure you'll not be giving an 11 year-old wine! Try a smoothies or a non-alcoholic cocktail made with fruit juices, I always loved them and still do! Especially with the lovely sparklers in them!

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