Are you rather coke or pepsi?!
Are you rather coke or pepsi?
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2 months ago
2 months ago
I prefer to drink Diet Pepsi.
i'm a both because i'm more of a mixing drinks guy than drinking one type of soda at a time.
We already had this question asked 10 minutes ago, moving on.........
pepsi all the way
coke leaves some residue when you drink it
but pepsi is smooth all the way
Def Pepsi
Coke for sure.
Probably Coke. (and coke's history is pretty interesting also.)
Pepsi, all day everyday!
coke is best for me
coke is better, pepsi makes you burp after every sip, in my opinion
I'm a coke person myself. But pepsi isn't bad either.
I am rather both. I can't pick one or the other!
diet coke is best