Does red bull harm you?!


Does red bull harm you?

Only if you are sensitive to caffienne or were to drink it excessively.

Can lead to insomnia, tremors,lack of concentration,palpitations, confusion and digestion problems.

Knowledge of over use of caffiene

It does if it spears you at 70 mph!

to much of it can in Thailand they recomend maximum three a day. red bull came from thailand (krating deng) No Izzy came from Thailand , I have met the guy who owns red bull, went sailing with him once in Phuket

Problem as per from the ladies answer above

But think its stronger there

Only if you drink alot of it.
Nothing has happened to me, yet.
I've been drink 1-3 a day, for about a year now.

As people already said it can casue all sorts of things caffeine related, one guy died (in, america i THINK) from drinking it excessively it caused a heart attack. If you read the can it all so states do not mix with alcohol.....but as im sure you are aware most ppl drink vodka red bull.
(I always thought it originated in austria..thats where its now made, we passed the factory on the way to st. wolfgang ski resort and they drink red vodka and red bull out there known as a flugel... and its divine, however after 12 i was bouncing off the walls for over 48 hrs!!)

red bull give u wings! mind u thats not vry i suppose u could call thaat harming!

If you drink alot of it then yes it's full of Taurine which is basically a concentrated version of caffine. But unless you're guzzling the stuff alot then you're OK

Lol yep if your running with them ,but hey you might grow wings .x

I don't think so if you just drink a few. But it contains stimulants which could affect heart rate and metabolism, so if you have an underlying heart condition or diabetes, it is not a great idea to drink loads of it.


yes,certainly! people have died due to big consumption ;l)

only if you get it mad and it chases you

anything in excess is bad

not if you have it occasionally but too much too frequent can harm you

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