Coke addiction ?!


Coke addiction ?

I'm addicted to coke i cannot drink anything else except coke. Is this bad for you does it have any long term damaging effects and if so what are they? How can i stop myself from drinking it ?

I'm a Coca Cola addict, too. I am also a Coca Cola connoisseur and prefer the Coke made in Mexico that comes in glass bottles because it tastes even better than our American Coca Cola.

Yes, as the others have said, it has damaging effects. I suffer from a loss of bone density. I also have too high a blood sugar, Type 2 diabetes, but I still sneak a Coke now and then because I'm addicted. Rather than give up Coke completely, I take calcium and magnesium supplements to keep my bones from getting worse. Although I know what Coke does to my sugar levels, I still drink Coke. I can't go "cold turkey" or totally stop. Good luck in breaking the habit.

Coke has a high acidic content and slowly eats away at the enamal of your teeth. (most sodas do this).

It will rot your teeth and you could end up with diabetes from too much sugar. Just stop drinking it and choose a healthier option.

it is kinda bad for you. but just think i shouldnt drink this i shouldnt drink this then drink water or sprite. jsut try to limit yourself. this sounds kind of bad but think of something negative like "if i get this coke i am gonna die." then you wont get it..

Other than rotting your teeth out of your head and building a caffiene

well you should drink water because soda will make you slow and not hydrated ... i am addicted to diet coke and diet pepsi.... so i know what u r going through lol

Too much of anything is bad for you. Even too muh vegetables will get you sick. Unless you drink like 5 or more each day, every shouldn't be in too bad of shape.

yes did you ever see what coke will do to things if it is left long enough anways who am i to talk lol im addicted to mountain dew i rarely drink anything else :(

I think you are addicted to caffeine physically and "coke" mentally. the long term effects of high sugar intake will take it's toll on your body. Coke can remove corrosive build up on a battery--what do you think it can do to your stomach

It could be a worse coke addiction. But like all high in fructos corn syrup foods it will make you fat and sick to enjoy it in excess. Go buy natural fruit spritzers and drink those instead. just stock your fridge with lots of them and remove and discard ANY coke products. then you will be left with no choice, and that is the easiest way to quit anything.

Here is a site that outlines the damage soft drinks like coke can cause:

Okay becky your problem is not very uncommon these days

First bad news
You have a lot of health problems heading your way
Scientific studies reveal that 1 to 1.5 liters of soft drinks a day can raise risks of numerous health problems, such as:

Tooth Decay:
All soft drinks are acidic which corrodes the teeth by eroding its enamel.

The high amount of sugar consumed through soft drinks lead to the development of bacteria that attack the teeth thus aggravating dental problems.

People who drink three or more glasses of aerated drinks (gaseous drinks) daily have much higher chances of dental decay, fillings and teeth loss. Therefore, soft drinks contain acid and sugar that corrode and destroy the teeth in one shot.

Soft drinks are mainly composed of filtered H2O, artificial additives and refined sugar.
Thus, they lack nutritional value and only add up calories through their refined sugar; therefore, they make you gain weight.
But is shifting to "Diet Soft Drink" the solution?

The fact is that diet soft drinks contain aspartame (an artificial low-calorie sweetener). Although aspartame does not add up the calories it makes you feel hungrier and crave for food.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) no longer allows foods containing aspartame to be labeled as "weight reduction product ". Now it insists to label these products simply as "Diet Drink" or "Diet Food ".

Research also shows that aspartame causes migraines, dizziness and more over it reduces your memory.

Some people who are addicted to soft drinks deprive themselves from food until they become victims of malnutrition. Since gastrointestinal disturbance of these drinks lead to poor appetite thus surviving on soft drinks and little amount of food will cause malnutrition, retarded growth and other physiological problems.
Effect on Gastro-Intestinal System:

When you open the bottle of a soft drink, bubbles and fizz are immediately emitted out. This is due to phosphoric acid and carbon dioxide (CO2) content, which make these drinks highly acidic. The pH of soft drink ranges from 2.5-3.4 which generates a highly acidic environment in the stomach.

Throughout the digestive system, that starts from the mouth and ends up at the anus (liver, gallbladder and pancreas play the role of accessory organs) only the stomach can resist an acidic environment up to pH 2.0. But before the acidity of soft drink reaches the stomach it passes through all the other organs involved in the digestive system thus causing an abnormal acidic environment. Hence the linings of the mouth, pharynx and esophagus are highly sensitive to acids.

Also there is a very common practice of taking soft drinks when a person suffers from acidity or after having a heavy meal. However, this is wrong.

The phosphoric acid present in soft drink competes with the hydrochloric acid of the stomach and affects its functions. When the stomach becomes ineffective, food remains undigested causing indigestion, gassiness or bloating (swelling of stomach).

Thus people who are suffering from acidity should not be drinking soft drinks because actually it increases acidity further.

Effect on Kidneys:
Kidneys are less able to excrete phosphoric acid when it is in excess. Thus, there is extra work for kidney.

Soft drinks remove Calcium from the body, causing an excess amount of Calcium that tend to be deposited in kidney, resulting in nephrolithiasis (kidney stones).

Effect on Skin:
Acidic blood affects the action of glutathione, which is an antioxidant enzyme. In addition, these drinks lack vitamins and minerals. By taking these drinks, people cut their intake of fresh juices, milk and even water and deprive themselves from essential vitamins and minerals that are mandatory for skin. Thus, the skin becomes more prone to wrinkles and aging.

Effect on Bones:
Phosphoric acid, present in carbonated drinks is violently poisonous, it de-oxidizes blood. In detergent manufacturing industries, phosphoric acid is used to produce water softener. Water softener removes Ca2+ and Mg2+ ion from hard water. In human body, the function remains the same by removing Ca2+ from bones causing osteoporosis (porous bones).

Effect of Caffeine:
In most of carbonated beverages, caffeine is deliberately added to make it addictive. Caffeine in carbonated drink is more readily absorbed than any other drink (like coffee, chocolate etc.). Caffeine disturbs sleep by stimulating nervous system.

It also makes premenstrual syndrome worse, causes dehydration and induces stomach to produce acids, aggravating hyperacidity. Since caffeine disturbs sleep, the body is more likely to produce C - reactive protein, which plays an important role in heart disease.

Use straw to reduce direct contact with teeth.
Rinse your mouth with water after drinking aerated drink.

Or simply do not drink soft drinks.

Best of luck and know you are damaging your body
(please give me 10 points if you find my info useful)

You confuse "can't" with "won't". You drinking soda of any kind is a choice. You may have some addiction to the caffiene, but that's it.

Make a choice to drink other things. There is no redeeming value to drinking coca cola, other than it tastes good. It's my fave soda too.

The sugar is bad for you, the caffiene (in excess) is bad for you, and the carbonation (phosphorus) is bad for your teeth and bones.

Put your search engine to work and look up information on sodas and their potential harmful effects if over-used.

Coke is high in calories so it has the potential for weigh gain. I understand it also makes your bones softer.
I bet if you quit cold turkey you will have withdraw symptoms like headaches and no energy. If that is too much for you cut down to only having it with one meal a day.

it has lots of caffeine and lots of sugar in it

your probably dehydrated which can cause headaches, skin problems and the early signs of aging.

the sugar could play havoc with your mood swings. you use the word addicted and I believe you...... your ups and downs are probably coke dependent now.

sugar will also help you to put on weight and excess sugar can also lead to diabetes at some stage.

Maybe see your GP about ways to give it up

sounds like you should ask someone for some help

its always tricky to do things like this on your own

best of luck

well i love coke too...and i had to stop drinking it...cause it causes the enamel on your teeth to come off(the stuff that makes them white)and it was ssoooo hard!! like seriously!! i had to start drinking cause i play sports and i was always tired and my coach told me to stop drinking it cause it was that really helped everyone says dont drink sodas..and i never really this like really helped me not to be soo tired and should try it

The acidity of coke can have a negative effect on the enamel of your teeth. It can make them weak. Sugar itself isn't that good for you either. Depending on how much you are drinking it can cause weight gain, negative caffeine effects like headaches and you are not really getting any vitamins from it either. You could stop yourself by slowly replacing a can or two a day with water or juice.

Welll one thing is for sure. If you dont take care of your teeth your teeth will decay. And the caffine amount in coke will efect you inserious ways in health content. Stop drinking coke give up one can than you normally drink a day and keep doing that. Replace drinking coke woth drinking water.

i found a really helpfull site devoted to this topic. It's www.Splendaexposed.Com. It speaks about the dangers of artificial sweetners and can give you some advice on addiction. Try it out it might be able to help you!

Pretty much all that they said, also.. the way I stopped drinking it was knowing that it can clean a penny and rott teeth is good enough for me. A solution, is opt for another drink (not soda! :-p) atleast once a day. So if you have.. lets say 3 cokes a day.. switch to tea (Which has caffine..just not as much!) then contine with the other two.. Slowly bring urself down. Until you get to 1.. OR NONE! a day. If the tea isn't enough add an apple in there. Apples have the same amount of energy as a cup of coffee! and healthier! Good luck!

yeah drinking too much of any soda is bad for you... it will potentially rot your teeth and definitely make you have poor health... im not saying anything about your weight because you could be very thin, but im just using this as an example.. the first thing doctors tell you when you want to lose weight is to stop drinking soda... its really not good for you in the long run. a co-worker of mine actually had problems with her bladder after years of being an avid coke drinker... i dont know if thats been proven to happen... but it happened with her! i also found some quotes from doctors on soft drinks...

"And watch out for cola soft drinks, which are very high in bone-dissolving phosphorus."

"In an interesting experiment the sugar from one soft drink was able to damage the white blood cells' ability to ingest and kill gonococcal bacteria for seven hours."

"The relationship between soft drink consumption and body weight is so strong that researchers calculate that for each additional soda consumed, the risk of obesity increases 1.6 times."

"Soft drinks have long been suspected of leading to lower calcium levels and higher phosphate levels in the blood. When phosphate levels are high and calcium levels are low, calcium is pulled out of the bones. The phosphate
content of soft drinks like Coca -Cola and Pepsi is very high, and they contain virtually no calcium."

just try to slowly start drinking less,. thats all i can really say... try drinking vitamin water or something thats flavored at first.. then start drinking more water good luck =)

start drinking wate! i have been drinking water for the past 3 years no soda watsoever and it has made me feel so much better. i have also lost weight from this. coke has such a high amount of sugar that too much is really bad for you, your teeth will start decaying then fall out!! ewww! trudst me drink water, or fruit juice, they r so much better for you!

Coke can eat away at your teeth, the sugar isn't good for you either. And it is harder for your kidneys to flush out. you can get some severe kidney infections and bladder infections too.
How to stop? Start drinking something else, take control of your body.

I gave up coke last year, it was hard at first, the sugar craving gets you, and certain foods increase the urge to have a drink. I found having a 'sip' rather than a glass soothed the cravings, and eventually stopped all together,

In simple. Stop buying it, you won't have a choice then ;-)

I had a coke when I was out at a pub recently, it didn't taste as good, can't say I've missed it!

Well at least your addicted to coco-cola and not the white girl.Try drinking caffeine free 0 calorie coke!

I usually only drink pop when I go to the movies. I used to be just like you and drank it all the time. Three years ago I gave it up for Lent and ever since then I stopped drinking pop. My aunt said she gave it up one year for Lent so I tried it as well. It was hard because I worked at McDonald's and all I could drink was water. I now drink pop maybe once a month at work and every time I go to the movies. I never drink it at home.

Yes it does have bad longterm effects. The sugar and the acid are bad for your tooth enamel, the calories are bad for your weight and the caffeine is bad for your heart.
As for stopping, try to taper off gradually, eliminating one glass or can per week (first week cut down to ten cans from eleven, the next week from ten to nine, etc.) Substute a glass of water for each Coke you cut down. The water may not be very appealing at first but stick with it, that will change as your body's natural urge toward health recovers.
You might also check with a counselor regarding any other addictive behaviors you may have.
Good luck to you!

Well yes in large quantities it is bad for you. I had a friend that used to drink 4 litres of it a day and she believed she was addicted to it. She did say that she felt shaky if she didn't have cola to drink each day.
i believe it was the caffeine she was addicted to and that it was the excess caffeine that gace her headaches, made her shaky, nauseas and high.
now she is only drinking water and no more cola. She just stopped.

Coke was first sold as an hair lotion and then turned into a drink. Apart from its corrosive, acidic effects and triggering osteoporosis plus obesity and certain types of tumours it has a secret ingredient in it called MerchandiseX7 that nobody knows what it is and probably is an odd ingredient that people used to try to grow hairs on their heads or prevent them from falling off. Has it put you off the stuff? Anyway the best way to stop an addiction is to replace it with something that you like and has a positive effect on you. Why don't you switch to cranberry juice made by Ocean Spray that you can find in health food shops as well as in supermarkets. It comes on its own or is blended with blackcurrant, rasberry, pommigranate etcetera for extra sweetnes and smoothness. It' s delicious and is the heathiest drink there is especially for women because it keeps their urinary system healthy and free of cysts.

It's a killer. People clean their cars with it and use it unblock toilets!

I ruins your teeth, makes you a ceffeine addict and the diet version gives you gut rot and makes you fat. You're also giving your hard earned cash to a bunch of corporate liars!

I kicked my Coke addiction in November last year. I went cold turkey. I felt really bad the first day, then grotty for another 2 days. This was due to the caffeine withdrawal symptons (headaches, shakiness & my eyes went all squitty), 3 days in I was home and dry.

I really missed the sensation of the hiss & gas release when I opened cans, so I got over that by using bottles of carbonated water. Same hiss, same bubble rush.

I had a one-off Coke a week ago, just to see what happened. It tasted revolting and I was ill for a couple of days.

Good luck whatever you do x

Try drinking diet coke - if taste's awful ,then their's pepsi max which gives you all the taste but no sugar!! One thing i can't understand people say this is bad for you , but i don't have any problems and i drink 5 cans of pepsi max a day and have done for 14 years!!

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