If your cup of tea goes cold...?!


If your cup of tea goes cold...?

Is it more environmentally friendly to warm it up in the microwave or boil a fresh cup from the kettle?

Almost the same amount of electricity is used by both methods, provided you only put a single cup of water in your kettle.
Best to drink it whilst it is warm, if not brew a fresh cup.

Boil a fresh cup it tastes better.

I dunno but I know which tastes better and the microwave loses out every time.

I drink my tea cold, as well as coffee. I suppose it is something you get used to when you were working. I would make a fresh cup of tea:)

Just drink it or microwave

the most enviromentally friendly way is too drink it cold but boiling the kettle again is next best as long as it is only filled for one cup.

Um........both are bad....try to drink it warm....before it gets cold....dua!!

what ever you prefer

microwave to boila kettle uses more lecky

It's up 2 the person (either)

It's not really a question of environmentally friendly (as using any kind of electricity is promotion of using energy which strains the environment by it's coal or uranium production) It's really a debate on is it wasteful or not to toss a little cup of tea? I would say, I would just nuke it a few seconds...then again, I've grown accustomed to drinking and eating stuff cold.

i microwave it, an to be honest i cant taste the difference.

i think the time it takes to warm a cup is shorter and takes less energy than when boiling the kettle

Microwave, both options use electricity but a new cup uses more resources, tea bags, packaging, transport and distribution, wholesaling, retailing, advertising, accountancy, business tax, PAYE, VAT.

I really don't know how we can afford them in the first place.

Who cares, reheated tea tastes like S h i t. jus make a new cup.

Microwave it I think because it only takes 30 secs to warm up.

Having said that I hate microwaved tea. I'd rather drink it cold!

freeze it and have it as an ice lolly

All depends..if you only got one tea bag left and you don't wanna drink it cold, then Microwave it!!. and if you got a lot of tea bags and just don't care.. then make a new pot!!

a new cup tastes better....

no comparision

Microwave tea just isn't the same, make new.

Make new - microwaved is not nice. I can drink cold coffee, but cold tea is 'orrible - yack!

its more environmentally friendly to just drink it cold :)

Add ice and lemon and turn it into a glass of iced tea.....It's actually awesome!

I vote microwave.

I would say that its better to make another cup, but sometimes it just easier to put it in the microwave an warm it up

Not sure, I always make sure i drink it before it gets cold. On the rare occassion i have tried to re-heat in micro, it never tastes the same an develops a skin on top like gravy when it's cooled. Hot cuppa! ah! bliss

My boyfriend microwaves it but I would always make him a fresh one. (Don't drink tea myself - think its awful!)

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