Would you rather drink Coca - Cola, or Pepsi?!


Would you rather drink Coca - Cola, or Pepsi?

Coca - Cola was first, and Pepsi always follows their lead. Coca - Cola has a stronger taste.

It depends on what you're drinking it out of.

If it's a glass with ice (the best way to drink soda), then I'd go with Coke. Out of a can, though, Coke tastes too metallic and Pepsi has a flavor that's a bit more crisp, so in that case I'd go with Pepsi.

Plastic 20-oz bottles don't matter because the flavor sucks either way in those.

none of them i hate soda its bad for u but if i had to make a choice it would be pepsi, all u coca cola lovers well guess waht coca cola has cocaine in it thas why its so addicting, dont believe me research it!

i quit soft drinks and replaced them with milk, but i prefer Coca- Cola it's better

I would always rather drink coke rather than pepsi because i love the storng taste.....

uhhh...none, go head, call me the wierdest person on earth, but I really can't stand soda! lol

coca-cola tastes better,that is true, but pepsi is a lot better for you. Fact - Coca-cola can be used to clean a toilet seat with all the acid used to make it.

I'm a Pepsi man myself, but I drink too much of them both! One of these days I'm gonna end with diabetes or something!
That'll piss me off, because I hate diet coke and diet Pepsi too!
LoL, What the hell, am I gonna do then drink water?!

my first choice is always diet dr pepper and then diet coke and i'll choke down a diet pepsi

Mr Pibb

Pepsi, for a couple of reasons:

One, I like the taste better.

Two, omg Coke has the ability to eat a penny totally (try it.. put one in a cup of Coke for a few days) and does a myriad of other things to our bodies that can't be good. It can ruin the enamel on your teeth for example.

Pepsi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!

I'm not a soda drinker, but when I do I choose Coke, nice ginger taste. Pepsi is too salty.

i prefer coke to pepsi.
and coca cola hasnt had cocaine in it for about a hundred years.

Pespi anytime. Coca-cola only if there's nothing else.

Supposedly all those coke cleansing toilet stories are not true. And yes Coke has "spent" coca leaves. No addictive material is left in them. Pepsi is made of peptic acid, obtained from horses' stomachs. Not bluffing you, it is true, that's why that is its name.

As for preference, I rather drink Coke, but if you give me a Pepsi, I won't reject it either. I really like soda.

Check www.answers.com and type Coca-cola and Pepsi-cola on their search bar to confirm every affirmation I made here.

I love both but still prefer pepsi.

dont like eny

I like Diet coke.. Pepsi products taste too sweet.

Pepsi!! Pepsi!! Pepsi!!

but Pepsi has mountain dew beat that

Obviously Coca-Cola. Taste better than Pepsi.

Pepsi for me! I don't like Coca-Cola as it is tasteless to me.

i hate soft drinks.. like fizzy drinks..

but if i have no choice.. PEPSI!!!

coke FROZEN yum

Coca cola for sure....it seems to have a smoother taste


pepsi,as coke is sweeter than pepsi and has more sugar in it

I have always preferred the taste of Pepsi Cola products because they aren't as sickening sweet or as acidic tasting as Coca Cola products are!! ;-)

I can't really tell the difference between the taste of Coca-Cola and Pepsi. They are both really good.


its way 2 hard 2 choose there both DELICIOUS!!!!!

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