Is drinking too much diet coke bad?!


Is drinking too much diet coke bad?

I drink quite a lot of diet coke. I know this is definately better than drinking normal coke. But can drinking too much diet coke be bad too?


Actually, it can be worse for you than drinking ordinary Coke.

Both ordinary and Diet Coke will do the following:
-weaken teeth due to the leaching effect of the carbon dioxide fizz on the minerals in the enamel, the acid in the flavouring, and the sweeteners;
-increase likelihood of stomach ulcers and digestion problems;
-encourage caffeine dependency and not give you sufficient liquid intake - any caffeiated drinks you consume should be offset by a glass of water to avoid mild dehydration.

In addition to the above, Diet Coke, in fact, diet drinks in general, also contain sweeteners. Some contain sorbitol, which will merely give you the runs. Diet Coke however, contains aspartame - a derivative of phenylanaline (other names for this group of sweteners include Sweetex, Nutrasweet and Acesculfame K). These sweeteners are all mild neurotoxins, which means that in large quantities in certian people they can affect the brain and nervous system leading to MS- or Parkinson's-like symptoms including tingling, shaking and reduced vision. These effects nealry always diminish when the sweetener is removed from the diet.

I remain very concerned that they are present in so many drinks (they don't even taste as nice as sugar!) and that various international governments actively encourage their use in more and more products owing to their cheapness to produce.

My advice would be to cut down the Coke to one a day at most, and try to replace it with water, natural fruit juice, or unsweetened squash. Avoid things which brag 'no added sugar' it just means they've added loads of other rubbish instead!

yes, it can get you diarhea.

it can be bad for you. it has a lot of sugar. i used to drink it all the time because i thought it was better than regular soda but it started giving me really bad headaches. it also eats at your stomach lining. i would watch how much you drink.

Yep, it's rots your teeth and does the same to your insides.

Just take a dirty penny and put it in a glass of diet coke. See what happens.

Well of course Soda in general can give you kidney infection and has chemicals that aren't good for your body it will become harder to work out and run because soda makes you winded so i would say it would be best to stop and maybe only drink it once a month

Yes the sweeteners in it are not good for you in high doses

Diet Coke has no sugar, but it can have caffeine. That can cause sleeplessness, and that can be bad.

Too much of any one thing is bad for you... even water apparantly. Everything in moderation.

Yes. too much of anything is not good.
The acid alone in anything carbonated is not good when over indulged-bad for the teeth.
Soda's actually leech out minerals that your body needs and deposits them in the kidneys-this could become an issue.

Regular coke is bad because of the high fructose corn syrup and excess calories, but Diet Coke is equally as bad because of the phosphoric acid. That acid is terrible for your tooth enamel and it can burn your espohogus with prolonged drinking. Best to stick to non-carbonated, high fructose sugar free drinks. If you do want soda, try natural sodas. Virgil's Rootbeer is delicious.

Well the acid still rots your teeth and it gives you craving for sweet things, plus it is a diuretic so it will dehydrate you which makes you feel tired in the late afternoon and evening, so i would say bad.

Not only Diet Coke. Anything in excess is always not good. Just think about that anything. Yes, anything. Have it or do it in excess. Only the bad happens.

You are completely wrong in your opinion that Diet Coke is better than regular Coke.
It is way more harmful for you due to the altered chemicals/sweetners in it.
I believe moderation is the key.


It can cause acid erosion of the tooth enamel:

It is better than drinking normal coke in terms of calories and sugar, but the sugar substitutes are the problem and they can still harm your teeth.

I drink some diet coke too (about one 2litre bottle per week) and I have started to get tooth erosion!

If you can, try to cut down and drink more water, sugar free squash and fruit juice.

xx Emmie

Yes. Aspertane may cause depression. And the complex sweeteners in diet coke may actually slow down metabolism.

Thus diet coke drinkers tend to keep their weight.

Hahaha..too much of anything aint good, hon.

Diet coke has phenylneutronics which is an active ingredient of artifical sweetner that can be a laxative.

To add to this the carbonated water is not at all good to your teeth.

The simple fact that to much of anything can be bad for you. But many people consume large quantities of diet soda with no ill effects. I would just concentrate on moderating you intake a bit. Water is good for you and drink the diet pop less frequently rather than cut it out entirely.

Try putting a coin into a glass of diet coke. Leave it for a day or so. If it cleans it then it is a corrosive
In a way your question answers itself 'Too much' The only issue is how much is too much.

sure is

yes too many chemicals, e-numbers - have you seen what happens when you add mentos to diet coke?? Its like an explosion!! I try to limit my fizzy drinks altogether

On checking it would seem that the views on drinking diet coke are not highly thought of. I typed in to google "is diet coke bad for me" and the answer seems to be yes.

However I like to drink diet pepsi as any diet drink is zero points when it comes to weight watchers but on reflection it is full of sweetners which on the whole are bad for use. Try limit how much you drink.

Also my aunty has been drinking a lot of regular coke i.e. large bottles of, and she has ended up with kidney problems, apparently our bodies just cant process large amounts of it.

The thing with food and drink is that there is always something, "dont eat this its bad for you" and then the next week they find that the thing they told you not to eat is now OK to eat!!!!!!!

I do the same thing ! From recent studies that have come out, scientists are finding that diet soda makes us gain weight. Isn't the very reason we drink diet soda NOT to gain weight?

Apparently there are several studies that show that diet drinks are slightly better than sugary, but over a ten year study, it also showed that diet drinks were responsible for weight gain because they increase sugary cravings.
In a way, because I drink so much diet coke, I find that to be true.

Too much of anything is bad for you. Diet drinks are no better or worse for you than the sugary kind. A great consumer myth.
Diet fizzy drinks are particularly bad because:
The artificial sweetener can give you diarrhoea.
These drinks are very acidic and can rot your teeth.
Studies have shown people who consume large amounts of diet drinks/foods are generally more overweight than those who consume the normal kind.
Too much caffeine increases your heart rate and stress levels and is addictive.

Drink water instead.

Hi there I am glad you asked this question as I recently researched this myself due to an article I read about 'Aspartme', which is an artificial sweetner used in diet soft drinks.

I too am a heavy 'diet coke' drinker, and was concerned about some articles I had read saying that aspartme causes conditions such as bad backs. I also sought advice from my local G.P about the amount I was drinking, which is over 1.5 litres a day. My G.P told me that although there have been articles concerning Aspartme and its affects on the body there is no medical evidence that drinking this amount of 'diet coke' would cause any adverse medical problems. Aspartme would have to be taken in massive doses to cause problems.

However, remember that 'diet coke' does contain caffeine , which is addictive(but so do tea, coffee and several other drinks) and the gassiness can cause bloating and excess stomach acid. Otherwise I would not be too concerned, but if you feel that you are drinking too much try replacing a can with a drink of water, which is the healthiest thing to drink afterall... P.S 'Diet Coke' does NOT contain sugar!!!! (as another answer suggested)

Don't be fooled just because it's diet coke. It contains caffeine which, when consumed a lot, can give you headaches, interfere with sleeping patterns, etc. Acidic drinks are also bad for your teeth. Remember, too much of anything is always bad for you

yes its VERY bad because we did a little experiment to see what would happen if we left a tooth in a bottle of coke for 1 day+1 night and the next day it was desolved!!

Hey; too much of anything is generally not a good thing. Diet coke is, to start with, not the healthiest drink, and it does not do your insides a favour to pour it down your throat.... Yes, its definitely bad for you.

It can rot your teeth and maybe even give you gas... :O

Glad you asked this, I also drink diet coke alot, so does my mum, dad, sister and various other people I know. I'm sure it is addictive, in fact I'm gonna ask right now. Cheers.

yes it is too bad

Drinking lots of an pop/soda is bad for you, for the reasons already listed like there is loads of sugar in it. There are also other additives and colourants that aren't good for you either. Try and switch to water, cordials or 100% fruit juices (not from concentrate - that's not great either!), and reduce your soda intake.

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