How come I get SEVERE headaches when I don't have ANY soda?!


How come I get SEVERE headaches when I don't have ANY soda?

I am HIGHLY addicted to Mt. Dew, Coca~Cola, and Pepsi. In fact I am so addicted to these sodas that I could probably polish away four or five 2 liters a day alone. Whenever I don't have any extra money for soda pop, I don't get any and then I get these SEVERE headaches. I want to quit drinking this soda pop because it is causing my blood sugar to shoot up over 580, but I can't seem to get through the headaches. Please, I need ALL of the advice that you can give me on what is happening with me getting headaches, and what I could do to get through them.

It is caffeine with drawl

I check my herb book and they say to drink green tea

Green tea does have caffeine in it but it is a different kind that does not hurt you

Because you are drinking so much caffeine going without it can lead to health problems you can get an irregular heart beat/ increased blood pressure/ GI upset (running to the toilet)so you need to slowly go off it

cut it back by half and drink green tea and after one to three weeks when you start to feel better cut it back again.

This should make the withdraw easier at first you may have to drink allot of green tea but after you body starts to cope you can decrease the amount

It is easier for you body to come off of green tea then the other type of caffeine that is in pop or coffee

For the best green tea go to a Chinese grocery store they have a better quality of tea.

I am in the health care feild

You are the proud owner of an addiction to caffeine. It HURTS trust me I know. Drink lots and lots of water and in just a little time the headaches should leave.

you are addicted to caffeine. i had the same thing happen to me when i quit drinking coffee. each week lessen your intake on soda. that way the headaches will be less severe and eventually you will be off the soda. just don't stop lessening your intake in the middle of doing it or you'll have to start all over again!!

Your body is going through withdrawl symptoms.

It could be caffeine withdrawal: do you still get the headaches if you have some (black) coffee?

I think you need to talk to your doctor, either way.

you are getting caffeine withdrawl, caffeine is a classified as a drug and as such you can become addicted to it very quickly and it is extrememly hard to kick, if the headaches are that bad start decreasing gradually, a little less soda each day and more water, eventually you will be able to get it under control.

It is the caffeine. Caffeine will help get rid of a headache. Maybe try coffee, or switch to diet soda. Blood sugar over 350 is dangerous. So try the diet soda. Good Luck. You really should see your doctor and let them know how high your blood sugar has been getting. Are you taking diabetic medication ?? Maybe you should be.

the headaches are caused by your caffeine addiction. take some advil and suck it up. thats a ridiculous amount of soda to drink every day. its incredibly unhealthy.

It sounds like a caffeine addiction. I've had a very minor addiction before (trust me it's nothing compared to yours). Your choices are to either go cold turkey or slowly wean yourself off. I suggest cold turkey because even without caffeine soda (even diet) is EXTREMELY bad for you and should not be drunk more than once every few days, and in small quantities. It's just not good for anything. It dehydrates you, ruins your teeth, spikes you blood sugar...

You have a serious addiction to the caffeine in the sodas. Go with a smaller dose of your intake each day. You may need to take aspirin for the headaches in the meantime. But if you must drink soda, chose the ones that are still carbonated but contain no caffeine. Like Welches or Shasta. I use to have the same problem. My test to see if i was truly addicted to caffeine was to go without my soda for about 3 days! The major headache I developed in this time confirmed my addiction.

when u git those headaches, take a break, i've got the same thing whenever i go and not have any of my energy drinks! It hurts, but it takes time and you will be able to conquer it! Jus go and drink some water and it will pass! But be consistant, one once in a while is good but not everyday!

Its a caffiene addiction. Try looking for caffiene free sodas. I know they taste different, but try to ween yourself onto them. start little, just a few caffiene free drinks a day, untill its the only thing you drink . Also you should probally drink other things too, like water or crystal lite. drinking only soda is really bad on your kidneys, you might later have kidney stones, or frequent bladder infections and those are no fun.

It's not the sodas themselves. It's the caffeine. Slowly wean yourself off by drinking less of it & more iced water.

Headaches can be caused by minor problems
like eyestrain, lack of coffee or more serious reasons
like head injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and
meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can
have harmful side effects, so it is better to
modify your lifestyle. More information available at

it a caffeine headache you need too drink something with with caffeine in it problem not soda maybe coffee or something with caffeine in it.

Your addicted to the caffeine in them. When i don't have any for a few days, i go crazy, and get horrible headaches, too.
When i know, i am not going to have Soda, i drink all the water i can, it seems to help, i'll add Crystal Light, and it helps some, & now i keep Advil on hand, cos im trying to stop drinking Pepsi & other soads.

Your body is having is addicted. Its like a drug. When it doesnt get it, it feels as though it is missing something. You should cut back on your soda intake. It is probably more related to the caffinee then the actual soda.

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