Why do people drink diet soft drink?!


Why do people drink diet soft drink?

It doesn't make any difference

yeah they just use it to look like there tryin to be healthy when they kno its the same

because they dont know that's its not really DIET soft drink

no but the 50 ton man don't know that, lets just keep the fatties happy

Because there are no calories and it's better on your teeth than regular.

i love diet coke

I think it's so they don't feel guilty about not dieting or sticking to their diet.

it has less calories, but diet is still not good for you.

It's psychosomatic.

I hate people who order a large diet soda. I want to laugh so bad.

they're sugar free and it balances out with all the junk food I eat

because it makes them feel better drinking something that says diet. So that when they are still not losing any weight they have something to blame it on.

Because the media makes it seem like when you drink the soda you'll be as beautiful and look at amazing as the hot girl/guy in the commercial.
Also, anti sugar people thrive on drinking something with less sugar.

The few calories that diet soda have in comparison to regular soda just isn't worth switching. Diet soda just doesn't taste right for me.

I laugh when you se people order a diet drink with their Burger and Fries

We switched to diet soda when we found out my husband is diabetic. It's not so much the calorie count for us but the sugar content. Honestly, we don't drink much soda anymore. We try to stick to water but when we're out we usually order diet.

what i want to know is, they take a trip to mc donnalds, buy large, then ask for a diet coke ???

whats the point ??

there is less sugar in a diet 'anything' otherwise trading standards would ban the word 'diet' from the can or bottle

I enjoy diet soft drinks, however, I drink it for the lack of sugar, if I have to much sugar at one time it could be lethal for myself, so, diet is a great alternative.

No, not diabetic, just can't have sugar! Long story...

Anyway, for myself, its a great alternative to the high sugar stuff.

To avoid the sugars/carbs, and it does matter to diabetics.

to lose weight

I drink Diet Coke, because I prefer it to the "too sweet taste" of regualar coke.

diet softdrink is not sweet

And why doesn't it make any difference? A diet soft drink has less than one calorie as against 97 in a normal one ! I am a diabetic and I need to watch out....it definitely makes a differnce to me !

Actually,diet soft drinks don't have so much sugar,but here's the downside. They DO have more sodium(salt).

People drink diet soft drinks because of very effective advertising campaigns.

Diet soft drink does make a huge difference though, but not how most people think!

The artificial sweeteners give a 'high' because they are neuro simulators. Take too much artificial sweetener and the neurones get over stimulated and burn out! Damaged neurones are a factor in some horrible conditions, like MS and Parkinson's disease.


Taste Great! Less Filling! TASTE GREAT!! LESS FILLING!! TASTE GREAT!!!!!!!!!! LESS FILLING!!!!!!!!!!

as crazy as this sounds. switching to diet soda really did help me lose weight. i was drinking anywheres from 3-6 cans of regular sodas a day. that's what 200 plus calories a can... So 600-1200 calories just in soda a day! Switching to diet eliminated them empty calories for me. and now i just love the taste of diet soda over regular soda.

it dose make a difference diet increases your appetite

yes because in 500 ml of diet coke u have less than 5 calories

for normal coke u will find more more more.........

I started drinking diet soda during the holidays, floating between houses, because it was the only thing around! Hah, but eventually it became an acquired taste, kind of like that first bitter beer. Eventually, after drinking enough Diet Pepsi, I became so accustomed to the saccharine taste that real soda seemed 'too sweet'. I still indulge in real soda when I'm out at a restaurant or such but mostly I stick with the diet stuff now. I don't really care for the after coke taste anymore.

Some people drink diet soft drink with artificial sweetener because they can consume too much sugar, others do not the extra calories.

Some drinkers prefer the taste, especially diet Coke because it is smoother and has less a bite as compared to the regular Coke.

Some are influenced by the advertising as well as peer pressure to drink a certain type of drink and to be seen drinking it.

Finally the beverage companies found this to be lucrative segment of the soft drink industry and hence continued to research and develop diet soft drink and perpetuate the diet crazed population.

Tell a diabetic it doesn't matter and they will disagree.

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