Why do people hate drink starbucks anyway?!


Why do people hate drink starbucks anyway?

opinion only

Maybe because Starbucks is putting smaller independent coffeehouses all across the country out of business?

Gosh, I could go for some Starbucks right now, though....

It cost to damn much!

high in fat, and you can make it yourself at home. But I tried today, and ended up at Starbucks anyways.

I no that some of their drinks give me a stomache ache I dont know bout anyone else though.

they are way over priced for a little cup of joe.

I don't know anyone (personally) who hates it...most of my friends and acquaintances love S'bucks beverages.

Who hates to drink Starbucks? The coffee is decadent and delicious! It's expensive. I only treat myself on occasion, but I feel marvelous sipping my Mocha or Carmel Mochacito, with whipped cream, it's a great little bit of heaven. I love strong coffee and buy Gold Coast type or French roast, Gourmet, whether it's "gourmet" is questionable, but I love the almost burnt dark flavor. And Starbucks has my home coffee whipped for sure! I can't afford to (or don't want to-) buy expensive brands so I get what is reasonably good to me and that's "Folgers". Hope that helps!

Thats like asking why people hate Mc'Donalds. The burgers aren't that good, and they are overpriced but because there seems to be one on every corner so you end up going there anyway because of the convenience factor. At least Starbucks coffee is better than any convenience store brand but you do pay three times as much for the privilege.
So "hate starbucks"? probably not. Feeling taken advantage of? Probably so!

There plain coffee is way too strong, i tried it, instant spasm in stomach. I threw the rest away. Last time i went there.

Starbucks overcharges. You pay a lot of money for a small cup of 'coffee', if you can call it that. It does not taste like real coffee, just nasty, fake, processed sludge.

If you people want real coffee, try drinking Kona coffee (available at most large grocery stores).

I have also noticed that very few people drink their coffee black anymore. Most seem to drown it in sugar and/or cream. That takes away from the true taste of the coffee.

Starbucks burns their coffee instead of roasting it properly. That's why it tastes like licking a burnt match.

Also, there are some serious concerns about the sources Starbucks uses for its supply of beans--other competing chains (like Tully's in their home turf, Seattle) rely on fair trade sources for their beans and chocolate etc.

my history teacher told me that starbucks has added hormones and other crap

I don't drink Starbucks.. because..
1) I try to support local business whenever possible, I also find that smaller shops tend to be more reasonable with prices
2)Their coffee really isn't that great. I mean if you're going for some sweet frozen "ice creamy" type of drink they might be ok, but usually I go to coffee shop for coffee.
3)They don't have a lot to offer when it comes to coffee selection, I don't think they offer more then a few single origin coffees.
4)I know that I'm a bit of a coffee snob but I prefer not to drink coffee roasted more then 2 weeks ago, they don't have a roasted on date, and if they did most of the bags would be months old.

Reasons I like starbucks..
1) They are one of the first coffee shops to recognize being a barista as a kind of career and give their employees good benefits.
2)They kinda help to educate the public about coffee. Usually when they succeed in introducing someone to specialty coffee people will seek out better coffee.

So I don't drink it, because I don't want to. I won't stop anyone else. And anyone that says they hate starbucks and drinks it anyways.. maybe they need some caffeine and can't wait? Other then that seems that they'd be somewhat hypocritical.

Too expensive!!

because its very bitter..it taste more like a sryup than coffee

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