Which Starbucks Frappucino should i get?!


Which Starbucks Frappucino should i get?

I am about to go to Starbucks and get a Frappucino. Which flavor should i get?

Dulce De Leche creme or coffee?
Vanilla bean creme
Starberries and creme
white chocalte creme

Mocha gets my vote

Green Tea all the way!

Dulce De Leche creme

Dude, starbucks sux, just go to Dunkin Donuts


None, they turn to ice balls after 3 sips.


the vanilla one is really good but doesn't have any caffeine... the dulce the leche one is really good, according tomy husband. I like the carmel Frap . Strawberries and cream is also very good but once again no caffeine.. so depends if you want caffeine or not :) good luck they are all good

strawberries and cream
or vanillla bean

vinilla bean cream dont get the frult ones the are terrible!

1. Dulce De Leche Coffee
2. Dulce De Leche Cream
3. Starberries n' cream
4.Vanilla bean cream
5.White chocalte cream

Vanilla bean frappucino with an expresso shot, a floater with whipped cream, It's the best!!!

dulce de leche is really sweet....so it depends how sweet you want your drink....
i like strawberries and creme....its sooo good but doesnt have any caffeine
and white chocolate creme is really good too but also no caffeine.....
if you want caffeine, i would recommend the java chip frappacino.....it is so good! its like a mocha frappacino but it has little chocolate chips blended in and chocolate syrup drizzled in!! yummy!!

good luck!!

Dulce de leche is my favorite

I prefer the caramel.

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