Is it safe to chug three bottles of water in one sitting?!


Is it safe to chug three bottles of water in one sitting?

I tried this at lunch then EMILY told me I would die painfully. Is this true??????????????????????????...

You can die from drinking too much water. The rule is no more than 1 quart each hour. And even then, never chug water, sip it.

Just dont I live in california a woman died
in a contest here its not good for you just get youre
8 glasses througout the day never at once.

How many ounces are the bottles? You can safely drink 1 gallon of water/liquid per day. After that you might have problems

Yes, you can die painfully from drinking too much water.

3 bottles at one sitting isn't anywhere near too much though, unless of course they're gallon bottles or you're the size of an 9 year old.

You shouldn't drink more water than you need to quench your thirst, I doubt you'd die painfully but you might retch if you put too much water in your stomach at once.

That said, I once drank a whole half gallon of water in Egypt when it was really hot out. Just pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you and you should be fine.

Drinking too much water too soon can lead to water intoxication.i dont know how much the safe amount is but i would imagine its only if you drink way too much that you are at risk.all the same chugging 3 bottles doesnt sound too good heres more info

no. u might get a tummy pain, but that about it. water is good for u but...... if u drink an extreme amount u can get water poison and die, it has happened but that person drunk more than a gallon.

It is dangerous to drink large amounts of water at one time because it can cause water poisoning, which can lead to death

maybe not painfully but you would get water toxic poisoning, this is when your bodies water conntent is extremely high, and yes you can die from it

Drinking too much water could be fatal as it happened earlier this year in Sacramento, California, a 28-year woman who tries to drink as much water as she could in a radio station water drinking contest died later at home. The coroner determined that it was water intoxication. This is not an urban legend.

Here's the link to the full story:

too much water too fast can make you brain swell..people have died from chugging water


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