Does soda really damage your cells?!


Does soda really damage your cells?

Well in 6th grade my friend, Mia, told me she doesn't like soda. She hates. And still today she hates it. She said, "I don't like soda because it damages your cells. And I want healthy cells." So she drinks iced tea and water etc. Is that really true? If it is...I might never ever drink soda again. Please give an answer that is positively right! (at least almost right)


YES its so true...never never never never never never never never never drink drink drink drink soda again EVER..hear me woman!!! dont do it.....

I think any kind of beverage including water will have some material impact on your cells one way or the other. Soda is probably mild compared to alcoholic beverages. As long as you are not consuming excessive amounts regularly, it is not detrimental to your health, however, there are alternative beverages for hydration such as water and tea.

Also for your reference, here's a response from the Coca-Cola Company on the various negative claims of Coke or other similar type of soda:

Rumor: Coca-Cola can be used as a household cleaner
This rumor has taken on many forms, claiming that Coca-Cola, due to its acidic nature, can be used to clean toilets and corrosion from car batteries, loosen a rusted bolt and remove rust spots from car bumpers, remove grease from clothing, clean road haze from windshields, clean highways after traffic accidents, cook a steak, dissolve teeth, and bake a moist ham.
Our Response: This rumor mentions that baking a ham basted with Coca-Cola produces a delicious gravy -- and that is definitely true! We are unaware of any state patrol officers using Coke for any purpose other than refreshment. Plain water or vinegar would be as effective and less costly for cleaning pavement. Vinegar, naturally acidic, is used as a household cleaner and also a common ingredient in marinades and salad dressings. Soaking an egg in vinegar causes the shell to soften -- an expected outcome because acid breaks down protein structure. Yet vinegar is completely safe as a food ingredient and enhances the flavor of many foods.

Soaking something in a soft drink or rubbing something with a cloth soaked in a soft drink is not at all like drinking a soft drink. People don't hold soft drinks in their mouths for long periods of time, nor rub their teeth with fabric soaked in soft drinks, so it doesn't make sense to extend these possible affects to normal use of the product. Because our teeth are constantly bathed by saliva, which helps buffer the effects of acids from foods and beverages, the effect on tooth enamel is greatly reduced. In fact, the acids in most foods are neutralized to a large degree by the saliva in the mouth long before they reach the stomach.

There is a small amount of edible acid present in many foods, including fruit juices, buttermilk, and soft drinks, such as Coca-Cola. These foods are not acidic enough to harm your body tissues -- in fact, your own natural stomach acid is stronger. It is possible that the edible acid in any of these products could have the effects described, even though it's still quite safe to drink these products. However, we don't make any claims relating to other uses. Instead, we recommend using products specifically designed for cleaning or rust removal.

The myths about disappearing teeth, nails, steaks and various other objects are just that -- myths. These stories continue to spring up and get recycled because each new generation finds them hard to ignore, but they simply are not true.

soda,pop whatever you want to call it,pour a can of pop in a glass container,put a steel bolt in it,see what happens over a period time.

Soda is dangerous. When I drank it I got pregnant, and I'm a guy.

Soda is good..but the only way i would drink it is if i were stranded on a deserted island

Yes it does break down your cells.

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