Does a coffee that is oily mean it is fresher?!
Does a coffee that is oily mean it is fresher?
Yes it does
It can; but it mostly indicates a darker roast. Coffees that are roasted less tend to stay less oily, and can be just as fresh.
It just means it's made with oilier ingrediants. It can still be oily after years of sitting in a canister.
Yes .i,am a coffee nut like it fresh made.
it means its a darker roast, light roasts to have a oiler bean. it really doesnt have much to do with freshness. if you get a dark roast that is dry, that means it had air get to it and its not too fresh. but that only works in the cases of an oily bean, such as the dark roasts. or a bean or blend that is oily. make sense?