Can I drink water immediately after food?!


Can I drink water immediately after food?

Few says that it is not safe to drink water immediately after consuming food.

You may !! if u so wish.
But its advisable to wait atleast half hour after food.
The juices or the enzymes that digest our food become weak if u drink water ssoon after ingesting food ; thus hampering the process of effective digestion.
So for better digestion, do wait for a while before reaching for that glass of water.

Yes you may drink water immediately after eating food. It is safe. I do it every day.

they're idiots...of course its safe to drink water after eating.

Of couse you can. Why wouldn't you??

the only time i've heard not to drink after a meal is if you're a gastric bypass patient then you shouldn't drink 1 hour prior or 1 hour after eating.

yes its safe,

I don't know where you might have heard that! It's safe to drink water any time you like.

You can also drink Coke and eat Pop Rocks at the same won't explode.

you big dummy. yes. i do it allll the time, im still here.

drink your water.

Not unless you ate alot of bicarbonate soda! It will fizz out of every orofice of your body "orofice = openening".

Knock yourself out! but drink S L O W! and sips !

The reason few say not to drink water after eating is because most people know that comment is false. You can drink water after eating. You can bathe after eating and you can go swimming after eating

are you for real? guess what u can even drink water between your meal!!!!

What a question! YES. Water can be had before, during, and after meals. No limits. Other than volume. I wouldn't want to drink a gallon at a time!

Yes =)

thats utter nonsense!
but they may be talking about drinking cold beverages with your meals.... while safe, it is not as healthy as drinking a room temprature or warm beverage. This is because cold drinks harden the fats in food, making them harder to digest. The benefit of warm beverages is that it helps pass the fats along in the disposal phase.
but if what you were saying was true would resturants give you a glass of cold water before your food came? i smell a

yee, u can drink half-a-glass of water after consuming food b'cuz u drink in large qauntity it'll increase da vol of ur stomach,da food 'll not b digested properly & it'll b stored in da body as fat.
if u care abt ur future start taking precautions 4m now onwards.

Very safe to drink water anytime.

um yeah.. duh.. whoever told u that is dumb.

Unless you have a medical condition that says you cant drink water after you eat than its safe.

Really, really dumb question, but thanks for the points

your suppose to drink water before, with, and after all meals. It helps digest the food faster. Soda's and other drinks are suppose to be a once in awhile item for snack times.

duh if u don't u will DIE! lol

Yes. You can drink water immediately before and after taking food since it cleans your food path before food and washes down all residual food after you eat.

But restrict the quantity. In the first case it will reduce your appetite ( unless you want to reduce weight) and in the second case it will interfere with digestion.


yes you can drink,
but it is better to drink after some time.

No, u should dont coz it makes the digestion slower and impropoer.
U can drink after 1/2 hours.

Best Of Luck :)

it is good for your health.
you can and you should do it

not drinking water during and straight after eating - it will fill the stomach and disrupt the digestion process. Drinking water before eating cools the heat in the stomach and by drinking after the food has digested the water, creates heat in the stomach, and also very good for health. So drinking water whilst eating is a very bad habit. It creates hunger and digest the food quickly. (One eats more).
drinking water before eating - slows down the stomach's activity. It also cools the heat in the stomach. Also Overweight/obesity has been linked with increased risk of many diseases. Advise given for weight loss includes, drinking water before eating. Why? Because drinking water before eating a meal can help suppress your appetite. Your stomach is fuller, therefore your will feel stuffed sooner and eat less.

ya.. its good to drink water immediately after food... i ave been doing that from my child hood and it has become my habit.. but its not advisable to drink while eating as it dilutes your stomach acid and makes it harder for your stomach to digest the food... by d way one should at least intake 2l of water daily..

no, it is good to drink atleast after half hour

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