Who Else Thinks Bottled Water is a Waste of Money?!


Who Else Thinks Bottled Water is a Waste of Money?

Anyone who's not completely upper-class should just get water from the faucet like everyone else. Don't take this too seriously, but I do want to know what you think.

at work it gets rather hot in the building, even in the winter, and nearly unbearable in the summer. i usually buy one at the start of the week and fill it up in the fountain the rest of the week. im basically paying $1 for a water carrying case every week. and thats not bad, because in a 12 hour day, i probably refill it 5 or 6 times per day.

I buy bottled water because it tastes better than the "milky" tasting water out of my faucet.

me i have been to plants that bottle "spring water" most of it is just city water that is superfilterd and flavored and put into bottles

IF you live in a place where the tap water is sulfurous and smelly, by all means use the bottled stuff. If your tap water is anywhere near normal, use it. Tap water in the US has to meet certain safety standards, so even the smelly stuff won't hurt you. It's not unhealthful, just unpleasant. Those who rely heavily on bottled water should be finding some way to replace the lost fluoride in their diet, by the way. Tap water in the US has fluoride added to help our teeth. If you're not drinking fluoridated water, you probably ought to find a way to get extra fluoride for your teeth.

Everyone except those who got cancer from C8 in their tap water.

Not all water is healthy enough to drink. Our well water makes me sick when I drink it and I have found bottled water much more easier on my body.

When I had great tasting water from the faucet, I would never dream of buying bottled water. But I moved. And the water in the new town I live in not only tastes like rotten eggs, it smells like it, too. For me, bottled water is a blessing! Don't knock it. If you lived here, you would be praying for an alternative to water from the faucet. I don't cook with it, and I don't even give it to my dog. Even HE drinks bottled water!!

I do think it is a waste of money. And I don't think it tastes any different, unless you have really bad water. And if I ever need to bring water with me somewhere I just use a water bottle.

I think it's a matter of taste and convenience. Some water just tastes better than tap water. I had a water filter installed at my kitchen sink... it's a tap of it's own and it's an under the counter reverse osmosis system. It makes the tap water taste so much better. I still purchase some bottled water when I am out... and keep some bottles in the fridge for convenience in a rush. The cost of my water system was about $500... but with the amount of water used in this house for drinking (the pets and people) and cooking it was an investment well worth it. I just change the filters every three months... and that's it! Again... it's a matter or taste and convenience.

I don't even buy spring water when I do buy it. I buy purified water with minerals. It just tastes better to me.

I agree it is a waste of money, but I invite you to come to my house to taste my water from the faucet. YUCK! It isn't the pipes, its the WATER. I do buy water by the gallon, not the smaller bottles when possible, by the way!

I think it's a waste of money and plastic. I don't refuse it though. I've had some pretty nice Evian. When you're dying of heat, you wouldn't say no. I've rarely bought it myself though. Maybe once or twice. Now, mineral water's a different story. Yum! I love that slight twist of lemon in a Perrier or other brand of mineral water. It seems like most Westerners don't appreciate subtlety though and would rather just have a Sprite. Fine. Let them live their hellish lives.


but it is a handy waste of money

I think bottled water is not a waste of money when you are travelling and you don't normally bring water in your own bottles with you. Especially when you have to fly, TSA does not allow you bring your on water onboard. That means you probably have to buy bottled water when you reached your destination.

I drink from a bottled water. It tastes so much better. Please help answer my questions.

Even if you are upper class bottled water is a waste and it damages the EARTH...people just get a filter and a great Nalgen bottle and stop killing Mother Earth

It all depends on where you live. I have well water which is very good. No added stuff like city water. And in some countries the water is just too polluted. But yes, I agree fully, water is free and it's everywhere. Kinda like dirt. My Mom goes and buys dirt for her plants and I keep reminding her that the stuff is all over and free.

I do. BUT if you live in a place where tap water sucks, like Japan or some parts of the US, I can understand why people would buy it. The tap water in St. Louis is the best I've tasted. When I'm there I don't buy bottled water.

When I was in Germany resently (which they have great tap water) I heard from several people that Germans don't drink their tap water, and most drink carbonated water, because, get this, dogs drink the water from the sink. Odd.

I'm nowhere near rich and I purchase bottled water! lol I guess its a taste thing. To me bottled spring water is the best.

I live in a relatively affluent area, but the water out of my tap tastes like led, because the pipes in my area are terrible. It actually has a led content above the legal limit, but they always say "they will do something about it very soon". So, I buy bottled water

I don't think bottled water is a waste of money because some people do not have clean water so they drink bottled water instead.

It's a waste of money unless you understand the difference in bottled water. Purified water is nothing more than city water put through a filter, such as Brita, which you can do at home for a lot less cost. Spring water may be more healthy for you than the tap water you get. If you can't afford to buy spring water, buy a filtered water pitcher. They are cheap. If you live in the country and are not sure of the quality of the well water, I'd definetly use a filtered pitcher.

Not me..if you saw what comes out of my sink you would ask for bottle water too

I hate you realist you're not kool. I dont buy bottled water because my water is good. I think it is a waste when you could just buy a britta filter. Those are great they take out a lot of minerals including sulfur.

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