Why dont black people drink pepsi or coke?!
Why dont black people drink pepsi or coke?
why do they only like sprite
why are you presenting a racial stereotype? I have seen African American people drink coke and pepsi
they do
Maybe they don't like the taste. But it's not just because they are black.
What the heck. ._. They do drink Pepsi and Coke. :P This is a dumb question.
depends on what they like i really dont think its any diff then white people it could be eather one
That is one of the most ridiculous things that I have ever read.
I am not sure who told you that but they are wrong. People of all backgrounds drink Coke and Pepsi.
Stop and think about what you just asked?
You're throwing out an absurd racial stereotype and asking us to back you up with supporting evidence. It's really pretty offensive, don't you think?
Now that is the most ridculous question I've heard today. Most everyone I know regardless of ethnicity drink either pepsi, coke or rootbeer.
i'm black and i love pepsie and so does all my freinds!!! not all black people only like sprite only the people you know~!
Where did you get that from? Most black people I know drink Pepsi, including myself. I drink Sprite too,but not that much. I think you have it backwards.
That is the dumbest thing I have heard yet.......my entire family consist of blacks..........obviously you don't know too many black people.
Don't base your opinions on commericals and marketing ploys.
P.S. I don't drink sprite
They do.
They don't only like sprite.Don't stereotype us!!!!My avatar may not be black but I am
Thats a dumb thing to say, everyone drinks soda even black people.
You Are Very Ignorant You Know That?? Wherever You Are Getting This Information From You Should Stop Because Its False.. People Are Free To Do What They Want So Stop Worring About It..
you just asked this question about why they don' t drink Coke or Pepsi why are you asking again? just curious!!