How many of you like Starbucks?!


How many of you like Starbucks?

I looooooove Starbucks! Everyone keeps telling me they are a waste of time and money! I think they're choices and quality products make it worth the while! If you do love Satbucks tell me your favorite drink there! Mine is a double, tall, nonfat, white chocolate mocha latte, extra foam, and no whip. Thanks for your time and happy posting!

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2 months ago
OOOps starbucks, typo~

2 months ago
OOOps starbucks, typo~

They should change their name to Fourbucks.

Grande skim cappuchino. Yum!!

Or grande mocha with whipped cream for a treat.

I don't drink coffee, but Starbucks makes a great peppermint hot chocolate!

I always get the venti coffee, i know it may sound boring but I am hooked on it.

I LOVE STARBUCKS!i live in romania and just a few days ago the first starbucks was opened in a mall near me!!i can't wait 2 go there and drink some yummy cappucinos!

I love there chia mocha latte That is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Good! :) Yummy! Specially when its hot or cold lol

WAY too expensive and all it is is a caffeine fix joint.

Starbucks is not for me. I drink lots and lots of regular coffee and I think their's is nasty and overpriced.

Im not a big fan of starbucks there are too many calories in one drink. If I do drink starbucks I order two shots of expresso in a medium cup over ice.


I like Starbucks, but our small town has a local coffee shop which makes a better drink than they can offer...

Funkey Monkey Frappacinno.....chocolate, caramel and bananna frozen!!! This has three shots of expresso. Good stuff.

Not so much in to Starbucks. Coffee i make and add my favorite flavored creamer, just as yummy and not so expensive.

OK - Here's the deal... In P-Town Oregon we used to have "Coffee People"... they were it!!! Then Starbucks bought them out.... I actually like starbucks but I agree with others about cost and quality... you can go almost anywhere else and have a better choice of flavors, including sugar-free and drinks as well as a triple or quad shot for less than you pay for a Venti (double) at the Buck's... But since you asked... When I do go I get an Iced (gives a free 3rd shot) Venti, non-fat, Caramel Macchiatto or Same but Mocha.... I also like the fact that they have switched to 2% instead of Whole milk for "default" choice!!!

are they serious it's the best and the mudd truck in ny holy molly they have good stuff there their better than starbucks and cheaper trust me soooo fresh and soooo delicious!!!

I join the practical folks who believe this is just nonsense. Overpriced and dedicated to show offs and better-than thou dorks, who do not care if they are getting RIPED off.
IF I want fancy La Te Da coffee,,!!! I got it all at home and it will cost less than $.25 maybe a dime more If I add a liquor.

White mocha frappucino......I'm hopelessly addicted

ok lets say you buy starbucks coffee 5 days a week for a year at a price of $5 you would be throwing about $9,000 out the window on STUPID coffee, do you not know that it dosen't give you energy for the whole day and that you'll just crash later not to mention it's not that healthy let alone bad but the agian it's still a DRUG. by the way coffee stains your teeth hope your happy with that

I don't support Starbucks because they support homosexuality.

Starbucks is a phenomenon, not just in the US but worldwide.

I'm with you! I love Starbucks myself, I have to many favorites. Whatever they have is good to me.

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