When Can I Open Shaken Coke Cans?!


When Can I Open Shaken Coke Cans?

I put some Pepsi 12-pack cubes in my trunk, and apparently they've slid around enough that the box came open, and they've been rolling around as I've driven for the last couple of weeks.

How long should they sit still before I'll be able to open them without fear of an coke explosion?


It depends on how brave (Or foolish.) you are.
I would leave them till the next day.
Putting them in the fridge for a short time can also take the sting out of their tail.

Just put the in the breakroom at work. Either people will be happy or hilarious chaos will ensue.

right after you shake them but make sure you give it to somebody else to open

you can open them anytime- just tap the top of the can about 10 times before you open it and be careful! It should help the contents to settle.

2 minutes (if youve had them for a week ,then they probably lost all their fiz)

They have to sit for 6-8 hrs and even then be careful..open over the sink or that.

They should be settled in about half hour. To be on the safe side, open one over the sink first.

The CO2 in the coke has left the drink and is sitting between the pop and the can which is what leads to the explosion. Tapping the top of the can with your fingernail strongly a few times can force some of the CO2 back into the can and then the can can be opened.

tap the top a few times and then open very slowly. This lets some of the carbonation escape so it doesn't explode on you.

u can set them on a counter for 1- to 15 mins, not moving them, then gently crack the top justa smidge, most of the explosion will escape and u should be fine

Just tap the top of the can with your fingernail or thump it with your finger a few times before opening it.

TRY THIS.... hehehe

Buy a package of Mentos from your grocery store or gas station as well as a 2 liter bottle of brown cola.
Slide the outer cover off the Mentos package. You don't need to unwrap the silver cover.
Drop it in the two-liter bottle and shake it. Really hard.
After that, find a good open area and unscrew the cap just a little until you hear it start fizzing.
The moment it starts fizzing, throw it down on the ground as hard as you can.
It should rocket into the air leaving behind a stream of coke.
Another way to make a fountain, not as impressive, is just to drop the roll into the two liter thats open

Throw the bottle the second it fizzes.
Shake it really well.
Use mint Mentos
Use diet soda (it fizzes more)

Throw the bottle away from you if you don't want it to shoot into your face.
If you don't unscrew the cap, just make sure it lands on the top so the cap can't break and hurt someone.

Things You'll Need
pack of Mentos
one 2 liter diet coke bottle
Free, clear outside space


let them sit for about 5 minutes

If this is a trick question, then the answer is does not matter.

Pepsi cans no matter how shaken up they are cannot create a Coke explosion.

If this is ordinarly question with pepsi and coke names used interchangably, then the answer is on the average about 1-2 years.

I have been collecting soda cans for 13 years now and in my earlier collecting days, I kept all the cans full, only to learn that some small percentage of them will leak through defects in the can materials.

So I began to empty the cans with 2 small pin holes at the bottom to preserve the lid. What I noticed in my collection of cans ranging from several days old to 1-2 years old, many of the cans still have good carbonation inside.

Since the content is always pressurized, it would be difficult to not have a "coke explosion" as you say. My best guess is in the order of 10's of months.

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