Why I get sleepy when I drink coffee?!


Why I get sleepy when I drink coffee?

People drink it to "wake up" but if I drink coffee I get very very sleepy, why?

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2 months ago
Sorry about "my english" but english is not my primary language

2 months ago
Sorry about "my english" but english is not my primary language

Ok, I had never heard of this before, but my hairdresser told me that the same thing happens to him. He said that he has ADD/ADHD and that his doctor told him that for someone who has this disorder that caffeine can give you the OPPOSITE effects. He said that his Mom is like this, too, and that if she can't sleep she just gets up and has some coffee. Go figure. So, I wonder if this is true and if you have ADD or ADHD? That could explain why coffee has the opposite effect on you. :)

Because someone put some sleeping pills in there

i don? know that is a wierd thing caffine usually wakes you up

are you drinking decaff? lol

That is because I am not in your life. You need me around to make you awake. Hola at me sista. Muah.

Ya'll blondes are some seductive humans

caffiene is a drug, and drugs affect people differently.
most drugs have the adverse effect on me personally
nyquil wires me, dayquil makes me tired....
were just freaks! lol ;D
i drink coffee all night long before bed, i sleep just fine.

the cafeen has 2 diffrent efects on he brain: one (most comen) a energy buzz and two(least commen) sleepyness. u are ne of the few who hav the fateeg efect

I don't know, my daughter is the same way.
She drinks it to "wind down"

Hmmmmm.... I knew someone else that use to get sleepy when they drunk coffee.... Thats a good question, I have no idea... I would ask a professional person (Doc) who should know the answer to that question....

I don't know, the seem thing happens to me. It makes me sleepy.

Man that happens to me to .... i get pi$$ed cuz i am trying to stay up all nite to get work do thinking coffee would help but it doesn't

pCe Out~

I guess it depends on the coffee strength and how much or how often you drink coffee. I suggest you stop drinking for a while.

Try tea or if you really want to stay awake, MONSTER drink will really help.

Take it easy!

omg me too its so weird cause i woke up at like four thirty yesterday morning and i was like i need some coffee and like 1 hr after i drank it i fell asleep on the coach and im the kind of person that once i wake up im up.my mom said its b/c it has no effect on me its not very strong to my body.

That's Normal That Happens All The Time I Saw Someone Get Sleepy On Zone Reality After Drinking Coffee She Fell Asleep And Then She Almost Crashed Into A Truck Because She Fell Asleep After Drinking Coffe So Thats Normal

if u drink coffee at nite u r natrualy tired anyway,.

hyper people drink it and it unwinds them where people that's not it hyper them it's all in your metabolism

Some people suggest that having a warm liquid in the stomach has a naturally calming effect, a leftover sensation from when we were babies and nursing was generally followed by a nap. In other words, we seem to be hard wired to nap after a warm beverage.

Look, this idea that caffeine will send you buzzin' away is not the case with everyone. I drink probably way too much for my own good, and it never keeps me up at night. In fact, I find it very relaxing! It probably makes you sleepy because it is warm, and warm drinks are very soothing and sleep inducing, especially if it is milky.

It's probably because of the coffee's warmth. The same way tea makes people unwind and fall asleep, coffee does too. Coffee never wakes me up, it only gives me a huge heahache. I tend to drink decaf.

happens to me to and i have found that if i make the coffee stronger like 3 times stronger its works or if i go get a carmel macchiota with a squirt of chocolate in it from a star bucks it keeps me up. different brands of coffee works different on people and i think some have totally different amounts of caffein in them so make it as strong as you can possibly take it and see if that works and also try different brands and make sure you are not drinking decaffienated

children generally get sleepy when given caffeine . it happens to me a lot too, and I'm in my 30's. I think it's just the way that your body metabolizes the caffeine. I dont think its anything to be worried about.

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