Does Tequila make you happy ?!
Does Tequila make you happy ?
I don`t know but RUM does it for me mmm think i`ll have one now
Yes very happy, but i get the worse headache the next day.
yep it certainly does, it makes me sick aswell but hey i love it really
lol - reminds me of that song that was out in the late 90's..... last time i drank Tequila it made me very happy for the first hour, and then it made me violently ill for the rest of the night ! was that ill that i slept in the bathroom with my head resting on the seat of the toilet !!! urg.... never drank Tequila since..... just the smell of it makes me feel sick now...
No sick usually!!!
oh very happy.jack and tella are my best friends.
Reminded me of the Terrorvision song so I went in search of it but found this instead - funny!
I drink Tequila - it makes me happy?
Tequila makes your clothes fall off. That's what Joe Nichols says/
I don't know I only ever had one sip and it tasted like metho
happy, table dance and lose clothes ~ my usual routine with tequila!
The notion that tequila makes one happy has been popular since the release of the Mint Royale remix of Terrorvision's "Tequila" in 1999.
The song states on a number of occasions that "Tequila. It makes me happy". It's the hook of the song and therefore one of the more memorable lyrics.
However, the song also states in the first verse:
"Pretends to be friendly, Then it's all over",
indicating perhaps that the happiness brought on by Tequila consumption might be short lived.
In fact, Tequila, as an alcoholic substance, is a potent central nervous system depressant (although at low concentrations can actually stimulate some parts of the brain - possibly explaining the instant gratification one gets from it's consumption). It is also a diuretic, causing dehydration, and later, a hangover.
Aside from the physical implications of drinking Tequila, alcohol consumption can decrease inhibitions and cause us to behave in a way we wouldn't normally act. This can make for some embarassing Sunday mornings and on some occasions, uncomfortable long term relationships and possibly marriage.
In conclusion, despite lyrical evidence from Bradford rockers, Terrorvision, and the instant hit of pleasure, in the long run it's unlikely that Tequila would make you any happier than you would have been without it.
If this is an actual question the answer is no! tequila may make you relax and it gets you intoxicated because it is a substance that the body cant ingest in greater amounts than 40to50lbs per oz on a 40% proof which means 20% alcohol basically what I'm saying is that a person that weights 180lbs may only intake 4to5 drinks kinda safely after that your body is intoxicated and yes some people can drink more than that because with in time after time of drinking their tolerance level has increase
know if its an outgoing question Tequila is great i prefer PATRON always make sure you have a designated driver don't drink and drive
tequila always seems like a brilliant idea when i'm drunk! and it makes me oh so happy while i do shot after shot of it at the bar. the next day, well not so much with the happy more with the spuey!
More of a Blackjack man myself - for those that don't know it's half Jack Daniels and half Back Sambuca....
mmmmmm it rocks!!
Actually it makes me drunk. If I get my wife to drink enough THAT makes me happy. Love doing those shots....
Not especially, but its nice to share it with friends. My friends make me a lot happier than tequila ever could
fantasically happy.
(doesn't seem to give me a hangover).
Boy, i love tequilla.
if i have a few it does