Does anyone have a SIMPLE ice tea recipe?!


Does anyone have a SIMPLE ice tea recipe?

I've searched everywhere but they're all either fancy 'russian ice tea' or something like that or are in US measurements, does anyone know one in metric that is simple without no extras? thanks

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2 months ago
when i say simple i mean not extra stuff into it, not watered down words

2 months ago
when i say simple i mean not extra stuff into it, not watered down words

Iced Tea with Grenadine Recipe

4 cups iced tea (homemade or store-bought)
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice (1 to 2 lemons)
1/4 cup grenadine
Ice, for serving

In a large ball jar (or other transporting container), mix together the tea, lemon juice, and grenadine. Pour over ice when ready to serve.


tea and ice?

Iced tea is........tea that is iced!!
Make tea (guess no recipe needed for that) allow to cool add ice.
If you like sweet iced tea add sugar before cooling.

Mine is pretty easy.

Take 6-8 teabags (I prefer Lipton) and add them to a pot of boiling water (2 qts). Allow to steep till the water cools, then pour into a 1/2 gallon container. Add sugar to taste (if you use sugar - I don't), then fill the container to the top with water and refrigerate. Delicious!

Boil water. Put water in teacup. Put tea bag in tea cup. Leave tea bag in cup for 5 minutes. Remove tea bag. Chill in refrigerator. Take tea cup with tea in it out of refrigerator. Put ice cubes in it. Drink it. To make a larger quantity, use more water & more tea bags. Add sugar or honey, whichever you prefer. Is that simple enough for you?

one teabag in a glass jar of hot water, take out tea bag when water gets coloured brown- tea colour, then add 2 tablespoons of suger and few slices of lemon, stir around and let it cool when cooled take out lemon slices drain them and let the jar sit in the fridge .......voila iced lemon tea, mmm

People make the mistake, with iced tea or iced coffee, of brewing the beverage HOT, then icing it down right away. You're left with a watered-down drink.

I don't bother with a recipe for iced tea (or coffee). I just brew it in the usual way. If I wanted to make a liter of iced tea, I'd brew a liter of hot tea. Then I let the tea cool, and put it in the fridge. Simple as that.

Make regurlar tea with cold water (Lipton or something ..) : that's melting the tea sachet in the water, then adding sugar :P, and then add ice and/or lemon ..

You can buy it in a tin now, it's great...

as I see people are giving you recipes with imperial measurements:

1 quart - about 1L
1/2 gallon - about 2L
1 cup - 250ml
1tbsp - 15ml
1 tsp - 5ml

I have a good recipe, but I don't have it *here*... and I'm highly unlikely to come back to this question - if you want it badly enough (it's got black tea, apple juice, and honey) message me.

take a pitcher fill it with water and but 6 lipton tea bags in it and let it set in the sun and add sugar then ice

yes, buy lintons ice tee, freeze it 4 10 mins nd serv wit ice. voila! lol

Fill a glass jar (1 gallon or 3-4 liters) with hot water, add 4 standard size tea bags. Wait until the tea is as dark as you like the refrigerate. Once the tea is cold, serve over ice with lemon wedges (optional).
This is NOT a sweet tea. That is something else entirely.

Make regular hot tea and add raspberries in to the mix, let it cool over night. Makes an easy and great raspberry tea.

easiest and best recipe for ice tea is to take a few packets of tea bags and boil in water. (atleast 2-3 bags per glass of water) remember ice tea has to be much stronger than regular tea. cool it down and serve it chilled with a sprig of mint leaves in it.

I make hot tea I like red rose they are two cup tea bags what ever tea you use follow the instructions some are one cup tea bags (how much water to one tea bag)

I put the tea bags in a large bowl and boil the water I usually make 20 cups at a time.

Every body has different tastes so play with it

once all of the tea bags and boiling water is in I stir it and let it sit until cooled down to room temp

I add lemon juice I prefer fresh but in a pinch I will use bottled and I add sugar add a little bit at a time and taste as you go

Some times I add the welches raspberry juice the frozen kind but I do not add water to it I use the concentrate even in the freezer it is not frozen hard after you open it just put it in a container

you can add any flavour you like peach or blueberry mixed juices

My friends fav is green tea and she adds honey instead of sugar or some times she adds maple sugar

After it is mixed up I use a funnel and ladle and pour it into old one serving size water bottles

Sorry I do not have measurements I just add a little at a time but I have found out that if you mix in the flavour to taste when it is hot you will not like it when it is cold the taste changes

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