I drink alot of fruit juice, mostly orange. is too much bad for you?!


I drink alot of fruit juice, mostly orange. is too much bad for you?

Yes, because fruit juice contain high sugars and acid. The acid may cause tooth decay. Water is much better for you. Cut down on the juice, eat fresh fruit instead.

there is a lot of acid in orange juice.

It depends what % you're drinking..But in all honesty they're better than most other drinks like soft drinks and kool-aid...I've been told that if you're on a diet not to drink orange juice in the morning...

Too much of anything can be bad for you, but I don't think orange juice - especially fresh orange juice - can do you much harm if the rest of your diet is adequate. I worked on a research station in the Riverland of South Australia, where most of our oranges grow, and I ate at least a dozen large oranges a day straight off the trees, and suffered no ill effects in the four years I was there.
These days, I only use oranges to make a really neat and potent liqueur!

...only if there's too much vodka in it.

As with everything we eat and drink, always best in moderation. Juice is not so bad but beware of the high sugar albeit natural in juices.

A friend did an experiment while she was teaching. Each year, she'd take a glass of orange juice, a glass of cola, and a glass of milk. A real tooth would be dropped into each one. Nothing ever happened to the tooth in the milk, but the one in the OJ dissolved even faster than the tooth in the cola! If you're drinking a lot of OJ, use a straw so it doesn't get all over your teeth. Be sure to rinse your mouth well with water after drinking juice, too. Your teeth will thank you.

Yep, if you drink a lot of juice, your weight is going to go up from empty calories. Your body can only absorb so much Vit C but is can really absorb the empty calories.
Most juices are just empty calories. Better to eat the actual fruit so you can get the fiber as well, it fills you up.
The orange juice hype started as a way to get people to settle in the inhospitable, mosquito infested, swampy place called Florida. Oranges and other citrus grow well there but there had to be a market. After WWII, TVs came into vogue so everyone could be convinced that a glass of OJ and some sugary cereal were the perfect breakfast items.
One small glass if probably O.K., the rest is wasted calories.

I'm doing a nutrition course right now in university. One of the things alot of experts are concerned with is the amount of juice kids are drinking. While schools have banned soft drinks, dieticians are warning about excess juice consuption. A couple of people have mentioned the high sugar content and lack of fibre. Eat the real fruit, and have a glass of skim milk or water.

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