How do I wean myself off of soda and start drinking more water?!


How do I wean myself off of soda and start drinking more water?

I am not a water drinker, in fact, my diet does not consist of water at all. I am a healthy eater, however, I drink a lot of soda (which I think is contributing to a few extra pounds that I have not been able to get rid of). Unfortunately, as of right now I do not like the 'taste' of water - it has no flavor.
Does anyone have any good ideas to help me start/like drinking water and stop drinking sodas?

I had had a similar to get myself to drink more water. My solution has been to drink lots and lots of tea. Tea is, of course, mainly water. But it also has lots of flavor...more the longer you steep it for. So, I add two bags of berry or fruit tea (like blackberry tea or blueberry tea or even lemon zinger) to each cup of hot water (I have a hot water pot) and steep it for at least 5 but usually more like 10 minutes before drinking it with honey or sugar to taste. If you add tons and tons of sugar then you not only overwhelm the taste of the tea itself but lose out on one of the primary benefits of stopping the soda habit (soda is chock full of sugar). But I find that a couple of spoonfuls is all that is needed for a cup of tea to taste wonderful and I often make larger quantities of tea to drink during the day in recycled glass juice or honey bottles. In China, many people drink tea in glass jars because it is safe to pour hot water into them and they are readily available.

Of course, now that summer approaches Ice Tea might be something you want to consider. Make it fresh from tea bags and not from those awful mixes they sell in the store.

And remember, drinking lots of water is the not so secret secret that all the smart celebrities, models, and healthy beautiful people swear by for beautiful and youthful skin and hair, a healthy digestive system, effective weight loss, etc. You won't be sorry you made the change.

Personal experience

Try the flavored water or just cut back slowly. It's very hard. Good luck.

flavored water would help. or try adding powered drink mix to a bottle of water. you still get water, and it will have flavor. this is something i do often.

Yep, flavored water is widely available. Also think of this... soda contains carbon dioxide, which is a possible component of the gas expelled when you fart. Eeew! Soda promotes yellow teeth too.

1. Stop buying sodas
2. Make yourself drink 2 glasses of water, for every half a glass of soda you will still find
3. Soda is going to eventually burn your stomach and digestive path, so that's also something to think about.
4. Try lemonade for a change, its amazing (homemade of course) or iced tea (again homemade) and keep the sugar low.
5. 80% of our body is water, and by drinking none, you are so messing up with your health.
6. The best part of water is that it doesn't have a taste, so that we can drink up to 8 glasses and still want more of it :)

Hi, I have had the same problem, only I have to stop drinking soda because the caffine is hurting my heart. What I did was I tried just cutting down a little at a time. I also tried the crystal lite that you add to water, it made the taste more bearable. So try that, cause believe it or not I went from like 8 soda's a day to now maybe one if that.

Here are some facts about soda that will motivate you to give it up. Each 500ml can of soda contains at least 8 spoons of sugar maybe more ( this is putting your body under extreme glycemic stress) Most sodas contain artificial acids like ascorbic acid pretty nasty stuff for your teeth (so every time you go to to drink a soda just think about having massive dentist bills in a few years. There are tons of other stuff but you get the point. The problem is that the high sugar amount in the soda makes them addictive so treat this like rehab you can go cold turkey or gradually wean yourself off. But the easiest way is to not buy any and to carry around a bottle of water with you after a while it will be like second nature and cold water is very refreshing

cold turkey

Man Up!

Wait til you have a kidney stone.

You'll consume more if it's not with ice cubes.

Try adding a slice of lemon.

Try different varieties sold in bottles.

Add crystal lite if you need to

Sodas harm your teeth also


Drink anything that included some sort of flavor---lemonade is probably the easiest---I would drink that first. There is selzer that is flavored. You could make up something yourself---use your imagination. Do you take medicine? Usually you take it with water----start by drinking extra water then. I try to drink water with most meals---instead of pepsi---some meals do not even taste right with pepsi.

switch to diet pop from there it is a little esier because you are not taking in so much sugar. bottled water really helps here.

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