How do you make the perfect cup of instant coffee?!


How do you make the perfect cup of instant coffee?

e.g. Which water, which milk, sugar or artificial sweetener, boiling times, resting times, brewng times, temperature etc. Any tips on making normal INSTANT coffee, no latte, cappuccino, coffee machines etc, just instant.

First put 1 tea spoon full of coffee into a mug, then add about an 8th of a cup of milk, don't worry if it looks disgusting, then add two spoon-fulls of caster suger and stirr well. Take your kettle off just before it boils and pour the water in, making sure to cover the whole area. Et vwala your perfect cup of coffee.

Depends on the coffee. My mate goes ballistic if the water isn't boiled but if you check a catering pack of Nescafe it specifically says not to boil the water. Magic or coincidence, you decide.

Try filtered boiled water onto a teaspoonful of coffee in a mug. Stir as you pour the water on to dissolve the granules. Then add your choice of sweetener ( 1 teaspoon of brown sugar is nice ), and stir again. Finally add your milk, or for a treat, cream. You can add the boiling water to the coffee and sugar, but the milk must be last or you will get floaty bits. Having said that, I do prefer coffee from a decent coffee shop.

put 1 an a half t spoons nescafe in a mug add boiling water... milk i dont take sugar if you do add sugar before milk good stir first,,,

sorry-----no such thing exists

walk in the door after being caught in the rain and sit down whilst someone else sticks on the kettle
boiling time long enough to take of shoes and coat
artificail sweetner someone asking hows your day whilst the ads are on
brewing times dependant on wether you need the loo
temperature sippable not gulpable
resting time for perfection until bed time

Put 1 teaspoonful of instant coffee of your choice (try a few to see which you like) into a cup, add just a bit of milk, (full cream is best but some people like steralized) and sugar (preferably dark brown ) if you take it and mix it all up (I use a frother). Boil the kettle but leave it for a minute after it boils and top up your cup. If you are in a hard water area you may consider using a water filter.
My mother always put a drop of rum in hers but that of course is optional, myself I like Tia Maria.

Add the amount of coffee, a tiny bit of salt, milk and any sugar to the cup. Mix to combine and then add boiling water while you keep stirring.

Make sure the quality of the water is good. No matter how good the ingredients, if the water has contaminants the coffee will taste bad. You can use a home water kit to make sure your water is good.

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