Am i crazy if i make coffee like this?!


Am i crazy if i make coffee like this?

i add coffee in a cup and pour boiled water. i stir and let it like this 5 minutes. Then I pour the cup into other one 3 times using a sift that removes the coffee particles. Then when is clear I add cream and sugar.


while I don't think you are crazy ity does seem rather a lot of work.

However there is one thing you are doing which is not good for coffee are using boiling water! When boiling water acts on coffee (instant or ground) the boiling water releases the oils from the original coffee bean, when it does this it releases some bitterness into your drink.

Try allowing the water to cool for a couple of minutes before adding it to your coffee, you may find you'll get a smoother and less bitter drink.

Most coffee manufacturers recommend a water temperature, for coffee machines and the like, of 190 degrees F so that shouldn't be too far off the ideal temperature.

But Hey! No need to take any notice of me, If you like it like that and no other way, who am I to argue?



Seems like a lot of work - but hey if it gets you moving in morning go for it.

gimme some.

You're not crazy, just original :)

No not crazy, but not very efficient either.

NO - your not crazy!! Thats the best tasting coffee you can find!! My great grandmother taught me to make coffee like that, she called it "hobo coffee", those were the good old days, enjoying hobo coffee with Nanny!! Thanks for the memory!!

if your using instant coffee its fine...enjoy

Umm, yeah ever heard of a coffe maker? Or a coffee shop? LOL

Wouldn't the coffee go cold after all this? I suppose you could blast it in the microwave I guess...

yes.....but if you like it

just get a machine, or instant coffee. but no, you're not crazy.

That's smart! i don't see anything nutty about it. How's it taste?

Sounds like a lot of work, but, hey, if it works for you, keep it up.

sounds very complex, nice.

That's an okay way to do it. It just depends on if you would rather find a faster way or not.

It's ok, but there are easier ways!

I don't think your crazy I just think that there are easier ways to make coffee... you could get a coffee maker that makes one cup at a time or just get instant coffee.

to each its is okay

thats fine but why not strain it with a strainer, cheesecloth or a paper towel , in to a cup.

My Dad just heats up a cup of water in the microwave, then puts instant coffe in it and stirs, I don't think it's much different, so no your not crazy becaue of that, You might be for some other reason though. lol

Slightly unusual, but whatever works well for you.

No, not crazy, it's ok if you like it when you're finally done. Too much work for me, besides, I like my coffee kind of hot :)

Um.. obviously you're using ground beans instead of instant. I think it would be easier (if you like fussing around with it that much) to make it in a cocktail cup and shake it, instead of pouring back and forth - it won't go cold so quickly then. Then strain it and do your cream and sugar thing. Still - a walk to the coffee shop seems easier if you don't have a machine at home and don't like instant.

Also, if you like it brewed you could always make up some really strong espresso and store it in the fridge - then just heat a bit up when you want a coffee and add your cream and sugar. - although I'm in Australia so we say "milk and sugar" instead of "cream and sugar" so I always wonder if Americans actually put "cream" in their coffee. lol

I've made coffe like this... you could also buy a french press, where you put in boiled water and coffee, and let it sit, then push down the plunger that is really a filter and pour yourself a cuppa.

As long as you're getting your coffee.. it's all good..

No, not crazy. It's almost like using a French press, which is actually considered the best way to make a good cup of joe.

Many times the flavor is in the oil, so too much straining will affect the taste.

No you are not crazy - you seem to enjoy it so it is a passion

I think we're all weird in some way, but you should get your coffee any way you like, and don't let anyone tell you that you're making it "wrong" cuz theres a million ways to make a cup a' joe, so do what makes you happy & enjoy your awesome and unique way of making coffee. I think I might give that method a try, you never know, it might taste better than the boring, regular way!


Ya know there are cheap single cup coffee makers out there. That just seems like alot of work for a little coffee!

no not crazy but why make things harder then they have 2 be

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