I drink atleast half litre pepsi a day..will it cause problem???!


I drink atleast half litre pepsi a day..will it cause problem???

sometimes i dont even drink water after my food...i drink only pepsi.....

Maybe not, but it CERTAINLY will not help you in any way.

Kidney failure, gout, decalcification and cavities...

It is very bad for you. I was amazed when in USA how many Americans drink too much of soda. It is awful!!!It is poison for your body and you are paying to be poisoned.

Pepsi has lots of sugar in it, and even if it's no calories, there's still the 'sweet stuff' that makes it taste okay, right? And the carbon dioxide in the pepsi (the bubblies) melt your bones! Maybe one glass a week...or once a month might do you good.

depends on your body! some people are more resilient to the harmful dyes and over load of sugar... some people have serious reactions to it. either one was never intended to be in your body at all and much less in copious quantities.

you shuold drink fresh water to clean out your system--

later you might be a diabetic then it would be a problem

drink at least 1 full cup of water dr's tell you after a surgary drink plenty water ---try force some in

I've heard there is phosphorus in sodas and it can destroy how the calcium in your body works to keep your bones, skin and hair in the best of health. Over a period of time this could cause a weakness in your body. Also it stains your teeth like coffee and tea. My dentist suggested to rinse your mouth with water after drinking sodas. I love Pepsi too so I know how it's addictive...but it's best to stay in control of your habits so as you age you won't have problems with your health...down the line
Make up your mind to start studying about better health habits so when you are older like me you won't have to visit doctors too often...it all starts when you are young....preventing problems..later on. Best of luck...I'll toast you with my Pepsi One...lol bye for now Mama Jazzy Geri

it is veryyy veryyyyy bad 4 ur health,it may spoil ur whole teeths & also i`ve heard in many news channels& in news papers that it contains pesticides not only in pepsi but in also many soft drinks, which makes it`s taste & this is also PROVED#.& also in future u may suffer eg.problem in kidney.
u may take it once in a week but not half lit.but "a teaspoonfull"

Yes you can get very sick if you carry on this way. Here is some info that may help you cities.expressindia.com

I think the majority of sodas in the U.S.A are made with high fructose corn syrup. Which is said to be filtered through the liver. Do you know this fructose corn syrup is not available for the general public to purchase. This is added to many other foods in the American diet. Look at the obesity rate in America it has one of the highest in the world.

That's danger and you have been drinking a lot. Have it once a while and try to drink lots of plain water. It's good and healthy and help to wash off any toxic in the stomach.

jenn3365 is correct. also assuming from your avatar that you are male, as you get older kidney stones may (more likely than not) become a problem. that was enough to scare me into stopping completely a life of nothing but coca cola as my liquid intake. need i go into the details of passing kidney stones?!?

you need to drink Lott's of water Pepsi is going to rot you insides out I use to drink Lott's of soda and got kidney stone and other problems try cutting back alittle at a time good luck

hey!dont drink it that often!that is jus some kind of refreshin drink!you should know about the demonstrations shown by many people...!dont spoil your health!it spoils ur liver and kidney,causes nerval disorder,loss of memory!DONT GET ADDICTED!

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