How bad is coffee for my teeth?!


How bad is coffee for my teeth?

Recently, I've started drinking much more coffee than I used (I usually used have a kinda *coffee morning* with dad on the weekends, and that was it!!)...... nowadays i drink about 2 cups in one day....there are times though when i drink just 1 (will power can work...) and there are times when i drink 3 just to keep myself awake and get some work done.....

but i've been told that coffee is really bad for your teeth, and once your teeth are stained, they stay that way.....and now i'm paranoid that i'm ruining my teeth, especially since they're an asset i've always prided myself on!

any ideas or suggestions?

I was just at the dentist the other day and asked this exact question-answer-if you have plaque on your teeth then the coffee adheres to that but if you brush your teeth really well when you should than it shouldnt be such a problem as that is the only thing that coffee sticks to is plaque build up-also along with grape juice and tea can stain your teeth as well as what others have listed

The only thing that I have heard about coffee being bad for is staining your teeth. Darker drinks tend to stain the teeth, however if you use a straw it seems to slow down the process. I actually think they have found that coffee can be good for a person, just not the teeth. LOL!! Thanks

Use common sense!
You up to that..?
Just how long do you keep a slug of coffee in your mouth???
Now,, HOW long must your teeth set in coffee to absorb ANYTHING...
and what happens on your yearly schedule when you brush you teeth with today's chemicals.
??paranoid was that your word???
How come I see St u Ped

They don't stay that way, even if you don't brush. If you like dark coffee, the kind with no sugar and cream at all, then you might have something to worry about. I used to drink 5+ cups of coffee w/ tons of sugar and cream. Sugar-creamed coffee makes it easier to keep the coffee itself off your teeth. Be sure to brush when you get the chance.

Coffee, tea, cola, and red wine - consider cutting back if it's not possible to ditch these altogether, and brush your teeth immediately after you drink them.

Coffee will stain your teeth, but I never heard of it giving you bad breath or bad for your teeth. Just brush well and often.

yes coffee is bad for your teeth my mom drinks it all the time and her teeth are badly stained soo.. i would just advise you to drink maybe like 1 cup every two days and something that would be good to keeping you awake would be a energy drink or something. hope i helped :)

once a week brush with bi carb of soda.beautiful shining teeth

Interesting... I drink a lot of coffee and tea a day but do not face a problem like this.
Even smokers have dark teeth...

The teeth would stain when drinks like coffee and tea are consumed much, regardless of how many cups, the more you drink, the faster it is stained.
After drinking either coffee or tea, drink water,
Use soda bicarbonate on a weekly basis besides daily brushing of teeth.

i drink about 12 coffees a day and my teeth are still white - i do clea them with an electric toothbrush - i don't know if that makes a difference

not bad at all if you have a normal mouth hygiene routine!

just remember to brush you teeth after you drink the coffee. if a toothbrush is not handy try chewing some sugarless gum. works for me.

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