Who actually drinks 8 or more glasses of water a day?!


Who actually drinks 8 or more glasses of water a day?

I find I cannot get out of the loo if I do!!!!!!!! Must admit though, it makes me feel so much better and my skin looks tons better too.

I dont, i just drink too much coffee, some days i start out with the intention of drinking enough water, but forget, perhaps if i did i wouldnt have such a bad memory!

i try i dont know if i ever have though

i tend to. u should build up slowly if you arent used to it.

I try it but it's too much.

I drink up to 4 litres of bottled carbonated water every day and I've a beautiful complexion.

I do, I love water, and yes it does improve your skin and makes you feel better, also aids weight loss!

I do. It makes me feel better and look better.

I do!
I have a 52 ounce insulated mug that I keep filled with ice water. I sip from it 24/7, and refill several times a day.

But I also don't drink soda, juice, or coffee, so that makes it easier.

Those who really need to; do! You're right in your observations, though. You have to make a conscious effort. Imagine living in a major metropolitan center and you find you are completely or borderline dehydrated!

I do cause I'm sick of getting kidney stones.

I drink water all day long.....and orange juice.

no one I know

No but I drink about 15 cups of coffee instead. I drink only about two pints of water in the morning when I excercise, thats it though.

our bodies extract a lot of water from other fluids we drink. I reckon we should drink about 2 glasses of plain water, but anything more seems like a bit of a task.

i do try but i keep needing the loo and it is so inconvient if you have to go out and keeping dashing off to the ladies!

yeah if youre looking for ways to help with that... just take a water bottle with you wherever you go... i do that i drink SO much more water than i used to... i feel tons better too

I have to admit it's makes a beautiful complextion in your face but I do not recall drinking that much for as much as a week. I'm a cheater and I use skin creams and all the other junk thay rips a hole in my pocket.

i don't, i do go through water fazes though where i will drink 8 litres a day, lol

I do..I might drink even more. I don't drink soft drinks. Just water, green tea, and milk.

Save water drink beer.

rOddly all the fat girls in my office do, after they come back from mama foo's chines Buffy everyday afternoon from lunch.

And then they complain how they were doing so good on the new diet but ant losing anything...

but I never say anything cus there all so pretty! and have cute brothers..

On most days I drink my 8 glasses or more, If you just started trying to drink all your water your body might not be used to all the fluids keep trying to drink it and your body should adjust!

i try!

Every time I try, I always think to myself, by this time next year they'll be saying all that water actually makes you fat!
I hate the loo at work so I just drink when i'm thirsty and I'm ok.

it helps your body eliminate toxins out of your system so keep it up you will see a big change in your health

I do.
strangly enough though the text that the consumption of 8 glasses of water came from was a US study in the mid 60s that was carried out to identify the amount of water a person needed in an average 24h period.They found that 8 glasses of water was sufficient ,however the text was altered to cut out the next paragraph which stated that at least three quaters of this would be derived from a healthy diet and found in our natural food,healthy diet being 5 fruit/veg a day.So we do need 8 glasses a day but 6 should be in our food,however most dont eat a healthy diet so you should compensate for that when you work out what you should have.If you live in a warm or humid climate more water should be drunk.
Strange I got a thumb down for that,,,dont people like the truth. thankyou for the thumb up
The information can be found on the US government web site for released documents.

I just recently started making a HUGE effort to. I started a diet, quit drinking diet soda and am attempting 8-12 8 oz glasses a day. (Currently am doing 5 litres/day) I am in the b'room CONSTANTLY, but it does have it's advantages! It has seemed to calm down slowly though, so you can look forward to that. I'm not in the b'room nearly as much as I was last week. (Been doing this 6 days now) Good luck!

everyone does someway or another... remember water does NOT have to be the clear kind!!! all fluids are made with water!!! check labels... soda, juice, even milk... you drink water from everything you drink... all equals to the consumption of water!!!
the human body is made of 80% water!!! so drinking water is only to rehidrate our body!also remember to release water retetion from the body, YOU MUST DRINK WATER!! you cannot loose water weight from not drinking water or dehidrating yourself!!!

I try to I use decaffeinated
tea and drink Ice tea with a lemon wedge
and splenda packette.

lol! I was just speaking about how much water I've drunk today! I keep 3 two ltr bottles of water in the fridge & 2 are empty from today! 4 litresI! never use to drink alot of water but it defintley cleans the body & makes your skin clear..it's even better for you drinking warm water. I'm on a fitness thingy at the mo that's why ; )

gotta go I need the loo....

I do. At least two litres a day. I only drink water, tea and milk.

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