Best coffee at startbucks?!


Best coffee at startbucks?

i always order caramel frap, and i want to try new things. any suggestions??? btw, im only 15, so dont give me some natsy stuff that old people like, no offense. =]

My fav drink: Cinnamon Dolce Latte
My mom's Fav: White Chocolate Mocha
Best friend's fav: Java chip frap; mocha with raspberry syrup

caramel fraps are awesome! I used to drink a venti with extra caramel when I was a kid, by then-BFF and I were hooked!


Do yourself a favor and go to Peet's.

Starbucks is disgusting.

Coffee flavored coffee. I hope that's not too nasty or over the top. :)

The only thing I order at Starbucks is the White Chocolate Mocha Latee. It's excellent.

Well, I was going to suggest the caramel frappacino! It's the best! The Vanilla Bean Frap is also good, but it's not a coffee drink.

I love caramel fraps, too! Try the caramel maccioto, and I'm sure I spelled it wrong! I'm not sure what you mean by what old people drink. I don't usually see too many old people in Starbucks!

A mocha latte is awesome! And don't skip the whipped cream, it makes the drink!

i am 14 and usually get Chai Tea latte

Upside down caramel machiato stirred. It is really good because it has slightly less coffee taste and a more creamy caramel taste. Esp if you order extra caramel.

Well I dont like anything blended...But I always order a Marble Mocha Macchiato tastes better iced i think but if you are in the mood for hot it can be served hot.

CHAI TEA LATTE ....the best ! It doesn't sound very good but trust me it's a sweet creamy drink.

I would advice you to stick to what you like... One man's meat is another man's poison, as the saying goes... You may like Caramel Frap, others may not but if for being more adventurers, try other coffees one by one as you frequent other cafes, who knows, you may discover something new each time and your choice of coffee will grow.

Personally I like Cafe Verona from Starbucks.

I'd have different drinks at different places, enjoying what is best at different cafes.

go get the grande white chocolate mocha with whip cream. Its not too sweet, but when u hit the bottom part it gets sweet.

The green tea frap with blackberry sauce (which apparently they only carry in the summer) is AWESOME!!

None, Starbucks SUCKS.. Its soooooooooooo gross..

caramel macchiato

Mocha Frappuccino in the bottle to go.

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