Do you like coffee/tea or neither?!


Do you like coffee/tea or neither?


i dont like either

Neither, I prefer water or milk or a smoothie.

Coffee, black with two sugars - occassionally.
Tea, white with one sugar - think I'll have one now actually...


prefer tea

coffee milk no sugar

coffee in the morning and then tea

if i drink coffee in the afternoon i feel sick

after 5 o'clock it has to be beer

I love tea. Hibisucus tea is my favorite.

Tea with 4 cube sugars (specially after the meals with a cigarette)

Coffee : black no sugar (only in the morning)

De-caff coffee

Coffee over tea, they're both ok.


coffee,very strong,no sugar,by the gallon

Dunkin Donuts French Vanilla coffee--black--two pots per day.

Both, i drink equal amounts of each for different reasons, coffee in the morning with a nice smoke, tea in the afternoon for that late day boost.

coffee gets me going in the morning and decaffinated fruity, herbal tea's help me wind down before bed.

plus, here in Georgia, sweet iced tea flows like water


Coffee and lots of it!

I love them both. In fact, there aren't many drinks that I dislike.

i prefer tea..good for health and makes u look younger..and ur skin looks makes me sleepy afterward and i'll have stomach ache..i don't know why..

Black coffee all day. Some times I put some chocolate syrup in it in the winter.

Green tea

i use to be very addicted to coffee, so much so that i got a job in a coffee shop just to smell the aroma (haha...weird i know)
but i have learnt about the bad affects that coffee and normal tea as on the body, so i have since changed to herbel detox teas...and have been happily drinking them for 2 years now.

Tea for me thanks.....milk no sugar..

i prefer tea!!

Iam having coffee right now! Great way to start my day. Something with caffeine!

I prefer tea over coffee but I do enjoy a good cup of coffee once and a while. I love tea, green tea, fruity tea, warm tea, ice tea, chai tea, tea smoothies. you name it. I usually drink unsweetened with a squeeze of lemon juice. If its warm I'll put a little honey and lemon in it!!!

Tea, man, tea... I have a litre thermos flask, and I keep filling it up throughout the day... the thermos means I can carry tea wherever I go, which is great, because I love it. I think I got through about four thermos-fulls of tea yesterday :)


Neither, but if I have to choose I would say Tea.

I like both but i cant face coffee first thing in the morning it has to be a cup of tea then the rest of the day i don't mind which

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