Morning coffee?!


Morning coffee?

i always have a coffee in the morning ever since i can remember. when for some reason i can't have it i never fill awake and i can't think of anything else until i've had a coffee.i then have about 7-8 coffees a day. can you be addicted to coffee??

You can be addicted to the caffeine in coffee, for certain - I'm just like you, I can't even begin to function in the morning without at least 2 cups of cofee before I leave the house.....

yes, you can, and coca cola and tea, any drink with caffine in. Im glad I dont like coffee.

It's the caffeine you are addicted to try de-caff!

Yes you can, as coffee contains caffine which is what the addictive part

yes sounds like you are!

You are all ready

Yes, it's the caffeine. I want one now.

yeah of course,caffeine present in coffee is highly addictive
check this link to be sure:

Yes, and you are honey!

Maybe you are too active and get tired easily or maybe u are sleeping late at night.

Absolutely yes. Caffeine is a stimulant. Some people are more susceptible than others. Withdrawal symptoms include headaches, irritability and tiredness.

yes you can.. caffeine is very addicting.. i too am the same i have a cup of coffee every morning, around 3 then 5 then 8 then 11 and sometimes even at night at work... if i dont drink it i get a headache and i get grouchy!! but yes i think you can get addicted.check this out......
Caffeine is a central nervous system and metabolic stimulant,[23] and is used both recreationally and medically to reduce physical fatigue and restore mental alertness when unusual weakness or drowsiness occurs. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system first at the higher levels, resulting in increased alertness and wakefulness, faster and clearer flow of thought, increased focus, and better general body coordination, and later at the spinal cord level at higher doses.[24] Once inside the body, it has a complex chemistry, and acts through several mechanisms as described below

Yes, you can be addicted ti the cafeine in coffee. But it's not hard to cut down gradually. There's always de-caf. It tastes the same to me.

try de caff its better for you

ye join the club,i dont function without my coffee.

yes, caffeine is addictive,it can cause tremors & palpitations
& raised blood pressure, a HIT in modern parlance. Latest research though shows that in moderation coffee & caffeine
is full of anti-oxidants, & caffeine is good for concentration &
efficiency. Moderation? about 4 normal cups a day.

You are already.

7-8 cups is a cup too many i feel and won't be good for the system. Hope you don't smoke as well; that'll set the time bomb ticking.

You need to detox.

Yea it is possible for you to be addicted, try de-caff., or call your doctor.

I think so I need that morning cup of coffee to get me up and going in the morning.
Right now I have my cup of coffee with me while I work on the computer.

Yeah you can

I am the same way. I have to have it first thing in the morning and many cups all day. If I don't I can't think straight and get tired, even start to get a headache if I go a whole day without coffee. This is a coffee addiction. When you can't get through the day without having it.

Yep, try and have half de-caf coffee, so you won't get such bad headaches (withdrawl) and then go on to decaff, try drinking tea as well, that doesn't have as much caffiene in as coffee.

yes you can be addicted,if you dont stop you will need more and more,its a drug.

its not the coffee you are addicted to hunny,its the caffeine. i had the same trouble but it was with coca cola. i wasn't happy unless i had at least 6 cans a day. i had to wean myself off it in the end as it contributed to me putting on over 7 stone in 7 years. i have now thankfully lost all the weight,and now very rarely touch anything that has a lot of caffeine in it. best of luck hunny xx

It's not the coffee it's the caffeine because it gives you a buzz same as coke and red bull etc. I have to have a strong cup in the morning otherwise i'm asleep till dinner time but that's the only cup I have.

actually its probably the caffeine in the coffee ur addicted 2 cos its highly addictive but yeh coffee addictions - pretty common

Yes and sounds like you are already.

Yes you can be addicted to the caffeine in the coffee.

Have you tried sleeping earlier and getting more rest and perhaps this will reduce your coffee dependency if you are concerned.

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