Red Bull Friend of Foe?!


Red Bull Friend of Foe?

I drink a red bull every morning. Its my source of caffeine. There are a ton of rumors going around about how red bull is badfor you blah blah blah. What have your guys heard? should I stop drinking it?

Its my friend....Precious!!

red bull and other "energy drinks" are horrible for you.

SInce it tastes like rotten lime soda, I think so.

foe, its like liquid meth...

My brother drinks red bull. Sometimes he cant sleep and cant live with out it.

Drink at your own risk, ya know pop itself is bad so yeah.

i love me some red bull. i recommend mixing it with vodka or jager, perhaps not in the morning, though. plus it's full of vitamins and what have you. the stuff is harmless, unless you drink a sh!t-ton in a short period of time and are prone to heart attacks.

Red bull is like a lot of caffeine drinks in that the 'rush' it gives you is more offset by a sharper comedown. It also dehydrates you much faster than other caffeine based drinks. Whether you stop drinking it is up to you but there are other natural ways of boosting your senses, look for Gourana containing drinks/candy, I found these to be better than red bull or it's cousins.

It taste like crap and I believe it is all subliminal. Waste of money. Next year there will be a new energytrend. 99-02 it was energy pills available at every convenience counter, now drinks, next....?

Not really good for you. To much caffeine to fast. Drink at your own risk. or try exercising to get you started in the morning...

red bull and other "energy" drinks can possibly cause heart problems not to mention they are addicting and you become dependent on them. you really should use natural energy sources like fruit, veggies, and B vitamins.

i work with someone who drinks them all day long and she is completely sluggish without them because her body has become dependent on them to keep her going. she literally goes through withdrawals if she doesn't drink them.

it's actually better for you to get your caffeine from coffee, tea, or soda than "energy" drinks

friend and foe. gives you energy 2 get through the day. but you may get addicted 2 them and cant get out of bed without them

Red Bull and other energy drinks give me headaches. If I want caffeine, I go for tea.

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