Does anyone know where I can find...?!
Does anyone know where I can find...?
information on that freaky dude on that "YAY MEAT!" commercial? I can't remember the name of that product. He freaks me out like Jack Ferver - the Little Lad who plays in the new Starburst Berries and Cream commerical. And ranks up there with the Burger King Man, too.
Additional Details1 month ago
I've tried googling but I need a product name... YAY MEAT! Isn't working lol...
1 month ago
I've tried googling but I need a product name... YAY MEAT! Isn't working lol...
dont know try googleing it. that always works for me! but that little lad on the starburst commerical is cool i love it! lol......
Go to Jamba Juice, or make smoothies with the Jack Lalanne Juicer!